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The next 2 weeks were amazing. Aaron and I ran together every morning, then I'd go home to study. At lunch Jess and I would talk, and sometimes even meet. Then I'd go home back to studying, and most evenings Aaron and I would meet up and do something fun.

A few times I went to visit him in rehearsals, once for a full day and a few times just for an hour before he finished and we headed out. It was fun seeing him working and how much he put into it.

It felt like a dream come true. I got to spend time with Aaron and study, and each simulation I did I saw I was doing better, meaning the bar shouldn't be too hard to cope with. But suddenly, after 2 amazing weeks together Aaron started being cold and he wouldn't say what's going on.

[Aaron's POV]

The past 2 weeks I spent with Jen were the best thing that ever happened to me. Every morning we would go and run together, then I would go to rehearsal while she studied, and then we'd meet again at night and go out, or just stay to at one of our apartments and eat and watch a movie.

I was on my way to the studio like I was every morning, but I wasn't feeling to well today. It wasn't exactly a sick feeling, but more like something bad is going to happen. I shook if off and entered the rehearsal space.

"Good morning everyone" Jeff said when everyone was here and I stifled a yawn. "Our chorographer Dani broke her leg last night, we have no time to lose and so we brought a new chorographer who will work with Dani and you, and make sure we will stay on schedule. Her name is Robin and I expect you all to treat her nicely and make her feel welcome. She will arrive soon" he finished talking and everyone started talking to each other and I couldn't help but stifle another yawn.

"Late night?" Charlie asked me. Charlie and I know each other for a few years already. He was part of the ensemble in catch me, and now he got a small part in this new musical. It was nice having an old friend here with me. "Yeah" I sad and yawned. "Jen came over and we had a movie marathon until late, not sure when since I fell asleep in the middle" I admitted. I was so tired last night that this morning I almost didn't go running.

"Wow what happened to the strict Aaron who wouldn't do anything fun during a production?" he asked and laughed. "What do you mean?" I asked confused, mostly because of how tired I was.

"You used to not do anything during rehearsal and performances. You'd always go sleep early, hardly go out with anyone, eat well and stay fit. You said if you wouldn't it wasn't giving the 100%, so you always worked so hard. Not that its bad man, it's good to see you like this, it's just weird seeing you like this" he said smiling at me.

But I wasn't smiling back. He was right. I never did anything to distract me from working and giving everyone all that I have.

 I didn't have too much time to overthink that since just then Robin came in and said hello. Robin. i would recognize that voice anywhere. Please let it be someone else. Anyone else. I turned around, and it was her. Robin, my ex-girlfriend. Please let this be a dream. 

"Hey everyone, I'm Robin and I'm the new chorographer, some of the faces here are similar, and I'm excited to work with all the new faces" she said happily and ignored me. Not that I'm complaining. I don't want to speak to her a word more than needed.

We worked for the whole morning and didn't exchange a word more than necessary. I couldn't help but feel the tension between us, and probably most of the others felt it too. It wasn't great. "What is up with you too?" Brynn asked me as soon as we took a break.

"Robin and I used to date" I simply said, not wanting to start talking about her. "Oh. Wow. That's a bit awkward. Why did you break up?" she asked and I though back to our time together. Robin and I met during my time on wicked, we instantly had chemistry, but I tried to ignore it because all I wanted to focus on was working. I didn't want any distractions.

But there was no way of ignoring what we felt. In the 2 month break I had in wicked we started dating, and we were great together and so happy. But when I went back to wicked I wasn't sure what to do. Part of my "no fun" policy also meant not having a girlfriend, but I didn't want to break up with her.

I told her how I felt the day before I started again and she took it well, she knew how important it was for me and she said she was willing to wait for me and let me focus on my career and we said we will wait for each other until I finish wicked.

But after wicked I started catch me if you can, and by then she got annoyed and told me to choose. Either focus only on my career and she won't wait, or try doing both together. But I decided it's my chance to do something be, and I didn't want to give anything less than a 100% and take a chance of losing everything I worked so hard for.

Since then I haven't seen her and we didn't talk. I felt bad for what I did, but don't think I regret it. I got my career like I always dreamed, and now I also have Jen. But then everything Charlie said came back into my mind, was I doing with Jen what I tried stopping of happening with Robin?

"I chose my career over her" I simply said. I didn't want to tell her our whole story. "Oh, and have you talked since then?" Brynn asked. "No" I said. "Well good luck. I think you too should talk, get things on the right terms, all the tension isn't good" she said and walked away. I guess she's right.

Robin and I need to talk.

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now