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3 month later-

"You look so beautiful" my mother cried as she helped me put my beautiful white dress on. "Thanks mom" I said and hugged her for the millionth time today. "You got your wish big sis" Kate told me as she came in the room. "What are you talking about?" I asked completely confused.

"You're getting married before me" she said matter of factly and I could her a bit of bitterness in her voice. "Well it's not my fault you and Justin keep putting off the date" I said. They've been engaged for about a year and a half, but they can't agree on a date since they're both so busy with their jobs.

"It's hard! Ok?" she asked and I knew it was best to back off the subject before I made my sister cry on the happiest of my life. It would completely ruin it.

"Jennifer!! You look amazing!" John came into the room and immediately squished me into a hug. "Hi Johnny" I said laughing, happy to see him after so long. "You don't look too bad yourself" I said seeing him in a suit for the second time in my life. "Just wait till you see your fiancée. He is looking extra good today" he said and we both laughed.

"Not as good as me though, right?" Adam said from the corner of the room. "Of course not" John said and went to give his boyfriend a kiss. "When is amber getting here?" I asked a bit worried. It was already getting late and I needed my flower girl here.

"I saw her before outside. She was trying to get Sophia off Luke" my mom said and we all laughed. Luke was my new little nephew he was a month old and Sophia was obsessed with him. "Well can someone please tell Sophia I want her here?" I asked. "I'll get her" Kate said and left.

"It's almost time! Are you ready?" Jess came in. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said nervously. This was really happening. "Good! Because Sophia and Kate are in their places and you're coming with me" she said and dragged me down the whole until I was faced with big wooden doors.

My father stood there waiting for me and gave me a hug before putting my hand on his arm. "I'm proud of you" he said just before the doors opened and it was time. Right in front of me I could see Aaron. The second our eyes met the biggest smile crossed his face, and I'm sure I was the same.


"Do you Jennifer Lillian Anderson take Aaron Kyle Tveit to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I was asked, and only when I whispered a happy "I do" did I realize I was crying.

"Do you Aaron Kyle Tveit take Jennifer Lillian Anderson to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I heard and saw a huge grin on Aaron's face. "I do" he said happily and I felt like the luckiest person on earth.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" we were told, and before I knew what was happening Aaron pulled me closer and his lips were on mine. A few moments later Aaron pulled away and whispered only that I could hear, "I love you Mrs. Tveit" I could get used to that.

1 week later-

"I love you so much" Aaron whispered to me as we lay in bed not feeling like doing anything. We were on our honeymoon and it has been amazing! But tomorrow we have to go back to reality and back to work. I was going back to the law firm and Aaron was starting a new production in 3 days.

"I love you more" I said as I cuddled closer to him. "I don't want to go back" Aaron said with a sigh. "Me neither, but we have no choice" I said. "Yeah" Aaron said and we continued laying down in silence.

"Jenny, can we talk about something important?" Aaron asked after a while. "Of course, what is it?" I asked and sat up so I could see Aaron better. "What, um, what do you think about us having children?" he asked in a quiet voice and I looked at him shocked. We never talked about children before.

"I-uh, I want to have kids, just not yet. We just got married, I want some time of just the 2 of us and enjoy being together before we have kids to worry about" I spoke honestly. I wanted children with Aaron, but I didn't want that now.

"I get it I guess" he said quietly. "What is it?" I asked seeing how sad he looked. "I don't know it's just that I can't wait to have little children running around. I understand that you want to wait, but how long do you think you'll need?" he asked with such sadness that hurt me to see.

"I don't know, about 6 month?" I don't want to wait to long, but I just want some time of the 2 of us before there are more people in the picture" I said and saw Aarons smile return and I started to relax.

"Ok, you scared me for a minute" he said "I don't want it right now either, but I thought you meant that you want to wait a few years or something" he said and the smile was but on his face. "No, 6 month sounds the best to me" I said and I smiled back at him.

"How did I get so lucky?" Aaron said and leant in to kiss me. "You mean how did I get so lucky?" I smiled and kissed him.

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now