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This chapter is a little boring, it's a filler, but next chapters will be more fun and interseting.

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, I looked at the time, saw how early it was and wanted to just turn around and go back to sleep, but then I remembered I'm going home today, and I need to be at the train.

I quickly got up, took a shower, ate breakfast, packed the last minute stuff and went into the taxi that was waiting downstairs because I ordered it last night. I got to the train station and onto the train, falling asleep once I sat down at my seat.

I woke up about 2 hours later and saw we were getting close to him, but there would still be a while on the train. By now it wasn't that early in the morning and I felt a bit more human. I took out my phone and saw a text from Aaron.

Good morning! :) I hope you have a great time at home! I can't wait to come and meet everyone. Try not to miss me too much ;-) call me when you can.. I already miss having my running partner with me! XX

I couldn't help but smile at his message, it was so cute. I decided not to call him yet since he was probably getting ready for work now and I didn't want to bother him. I'd call him during the lunch break. But I should reply to that cute text of his.

Good morning! (: I miss you too. But we'll see each other soon! I'll call at lunch. I sent the text and put my phone down. The train would get to town in 10 minutes. I can't believe I'm going back home. I missed my family and the atmosphere of a small town and knowing everyone, but NY really started growing on me.

I got my suitcase and headed towards the door just as the train slowed down. I got out of the station, and debated what to do. I could walk the 20 minutes to my house, but with the heavy suitcase it wasn't such a good idea.

Just as I was heading to the taxi line I saw a familiar car pass by, our neighbor Margaret. I saw her stopping a few feet ahead and recognized her daughter Stella get out of the car. Stella was a year older than me and we were always good friends, until Chris and I got together.

Stella always had a crush on Chris but no one knew about it. She told me only after we've been together for 6 month. After she told me things got weird between us and we started losing touch. But now that Chris and I were over I was hoping I could have my friend back.

"Stella!" I called over and she turned around with a shocked expression on her face. "Jenny!" what are you doing here?" she asked as she came over and gave me a hug, I was a bit surprised by the gesture since we haven't talked in so long but I hugged her back.

"I came for a few days, you probably know that Kate is engaged.." I trailed off knowing that in this small town everyone knew everything about everyone. "Yes, I heard. Listen, I have to hurry to work now, but let's meet up tonight, ok?" she asked taking all her stuff from her mom's car.

"Sure, that'll be great!" I said excited. I couldn't wait to catch up on everything with her. "Ok, so I'll see you later, bye mom! Love you" she yelled towards the car while walking away. "Jen, get in the car" Margaret told me when she saw I was still standing on the sidewalk "thanks" I said smiling at her.

"So how are you? How is NY?" she asked as she started driving. "It's great" I said smiling thinking of what a great choice it was. I finally got over Chris, I had a great job, I decided to do the bar, I have a new great friend, and I got to meet Aaron. Moving to NY was the best thing I ever did.

"I'm glad you like it there" she said smiling and I knew she meant it. When I was young I'd spend as much time at her house as I did in my own. She was like a second mother to me. Though when things became bad with Stella we lost touch a bit. 

"So anything new here?" I asked "not really same old boring town" she said laughing as she pulled to her driveway. "I'll see you later, your mom can't wait to see you" she said as we got out of the car "thanks for the ride" I said smiling at her "no problem. Enjoy your stay" she said as each of us headed to her home.

I walked into the house and see it exactly like when I left. I couldn't see my mom so I decided to take my things up to my room. When I came down I saw my mom in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast. "Hey mom!" I said as I went to her giving her a hug. She didn't let go for a while.

"I've missed you so much!" she said when she finally let go of me. "How is the studying going?" she asked as she put a plate of pancakes in front of me and I started digging into them. "A lot more to go" I sighed. I know I need to learn all of it to achieve my dream, but just don't feel like studying anymore.

"I'm sure you'll do great" my mom said with a smile. "So... Aaron" my mom said just as I put a piece of pancake into my mouth leading me to almost choke on it. "What about Aaron?" I asked getting nervous. "Tell me about him, stuff that isn't on the internet" my mom said with a scary smile on her face.

"I don't know what to say" I said really embarrassed. "You'll just see for yourself, he's staying here until Sunday" I said now a little scared of that though. "You won't tell me much about him, will you?" my mom asked. She knew me well. 

I finished eating while talking to my mom about the engagement and what she still had to do so that everything would be ready on time. After that I went to my room and studied. I was deep in concentration that when I checked the time it was already 4.

I grabbed my phone, which was silenced and saw I had a missed call from Aaron and Jessica and a text from Aaron and Stella. I called Aaron and apologized for not answering but he was understanding and telling me I should focus on my studies.

After we finished talking I decided to talk to Stella, we agreed to meet up at 7, so I still had time until I leave. After that I finally called Jess back. We haven't talked in a while and I had so much to tell her, about my date with Aaron and the day we spent together.

It was fun talking to her again. I missed having a friend who I could tell everything too and I knew even though Stella and I were going out tonight I won't be so open to her as I was with jess. After we talked I went down and saw my dad was back from work.

He didn't jump and scream at the sight of me like mom did, but I could tell he was happy to have me back, even if it's just for a few days. I sat down next to him and told him about my life in NY, until it was already 6 and went to my room to get ready.

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