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I looked at the time. It was 7, which means Aaron finished rehearsals about an hour ago. First call was from 3 thirty, and the others were about an hour apart, probably every time he has a small break. I called him back and he answered before the phone even rang once.

"Hey! How are you?" he sounded weird. "I’m fine, is everything ok with you?" I asked, not understanding what’s going on "I’m fine.. But you didn’t answer for 4 and a half hours!" he said “I turned my phone off so I won’t have any distractions while studying".

"Oh" he said and was quiet for a second "so did you talk to your bosses?" he was still talking in a weird tone "yeah! It was great!" I said and told him all that Sarah told me. "That is really great! So do you think you'll continue working or will you just study all day?" that’s a great question and I wish I knew the answer.

"I don’t know yet. I guess I’ll try doing both and then I’ll see." "Well good luck! How did your studying go today?" "Ok I guess. But I have so much more to learn. That test is huge." "I’m sure you’re going to be fine" he said and I could tell he was smiling.

"Thanks. I hope you’re right. So how was rehearsal?" I had enough of talking about myself. "Exhausting, but worth it. I’m not on stage yet but I can feel how close and exciting it is. And everyone is so nice! There’s something about Broadway productions that always makes you feel good" he said sounding very happy.

"Well I can’t wait to see it. You’re so lucky to be doing something you love so much" I know I enjoy what I do, but I was never as passionate as he sounded now talking about theater. "I really am lucky. And I appreciate it every single day" he was such an amazing person.

As we were talking I noticed the clock and that it was already getting late. I didn’t want to stop talking to him but I still wanted to learn a bit more before I go to sleep, preferably early. So I explained that to him and he completely understood.

After I hung up I sat to do an example bar test. I knew I just started learning and it won’t go too well, but I wanted to see how much more I had to study, and if I would need to take more time off of work. So I did the test and then went to sleep.

I woke up feeling exhausted. I went to sleep much later than I planned on. The test took a long time and then I went over it which also took time because I had so much that I had to go over. The example test went really bad. I hardly knew anything and I had no time for all the questions. It got me very down.

I went out and as usual and met Aaron. He could tell after one look that I was down "what’s wrong?" he asked “I didn’t do well on the example test I did last night" I said trying not to sound too sad. "Don’t worry about it! It was the first time you meet that type of questions. You also didn’t study before! It really doesn’t show what you’re capable of. Today you'll start studying and you'll do much better next time!" he was so sure of himself that I couldn’t help but believe him.

We continued our run talking about his work mostly and what I’ll do now every day. Last night, after taking the test I realized I’m going to have to stop working so after the run I went into work to finish everything I was in the middle of and went to tell Sarah. She was very understanding and it made me feel so great. I finished at noon so me and Jess went to lunch together and I updated her on everything.

For the next few days everything was the same. Aaron and I went to our morning run, I studied for hours and hours, doing a break in the middle to talk with Jess who always cheered me to continue and not give up even when I felt like I can’t continue like this.

And the highlight of my days was the evening. After Aaron finished rehearsals he’d call me and we talked about our days, and our lives, getting to know each other. We talked for hours until one of us was too tired and we'd go to sleep. It was so great.

At that point I couldn’t deny my feelings anymore. I like Aaron as more than a friend. But I wasn’t going to push it, I didn’t want to lose him as a friend. So the days went by and it was great. Until Friday. The day Aaron and I were going to the show together.

When I woke up I had a great feeling about today. Aaron and I were going to see honeymoon in Vegas together and I’d meet a few of his friends, but that god feeling didn’t last for long. I got out of bed and got ready to go. Just when I was about to leave the apartment the phone rang.

It was my older sister Amber. "Hey Amb, how are you?" I asked a little worried. We were close but we haven’t talked in about 2 weeks, and she never called me this early. "I’m fine, how are you?" she asked a little hesitant.

"I’m great.. What’s going on?" I wanted her to get right to the point. Something is going on "oh, um, well did you talk to mom or Kate lately?"

Kate is our younger sister, growing up we hated each other but after I left the house for college we started getting along, not that we're great friends, but we get along now. Though my relationship with her isn’t as good as the one I have with Amber, and we don’t talk that much when were not together at home.

"No. Why would I?" I truly didn’t understand what was going on “I wasn’t sure if they told you yet, and I guess they didn’t. I’m sorry you need to hear this from me, but Kate and Justin are getting married" wait. What? My little sister was getting married before me? I can’t believe this is happening.

"No one told me.." I said in a quiet voice trying not to cry "I’m sorry it came from me! I think its best you call mom. I'll call you later to see how you are, ok? Love you" she said it all really fast and hung up, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to talk now. All I wanted to do was cry. So that’s what I did.

I sat on the couch and cried. About 15 minutes after I heard a knock on the door, but I couldn’t find strength in me to get up and open it. And whoever was there could wait. I just wanted to sit on the couch and do nothing but cry.

A while later I heard the door open, I guess whoever it was knew where I keep my key. I didn’t look up to see who it was I just continued on crying letting all my feelings out through the tears. The person came and sat next to me, hugging me and then I knew who it was.

I’d recognize his cologne anywhere. Aaron was here for me. It made me feel much better but I still couldn’t stop crying. After a while of just sitting like that hugging me he asked me if I wanted to talk about it. But I wasn’t ready yet, and being there like that with him felt so good and I didn’t want to ruin it.

After a while I felt ready to talk. "My younger sister is getting married. My younger sister! It shouldn’t be like this! I’m supposed to be married already and not go there alone. And I’m.. I’m jealous of her. I also want to find love and be happy. I wasted so much time with Chris that I don’t even know how I’m supposed to start looking again" I poured out everything and crying at the same time.

But one part I left out, that I like Aaron, and he'll never like me that way, so I’ll just always be alone because I won’t find anyone better than him. "You'll be alright! Getting married should not be a contest! You don’t do it because you’re at the right age or because society says you should. You get married because you love the other person and you want to spend the rest of their lives with them. Right now you don’t think you'll find someone like that, but eventually you will find the right guy for you and all the wait would be worth it. So yes, your little sister found her special someone before you, but it doesn’t mean you won’t!" that speech was beautiful.

But it made me cry even harder. Because I feel that the person he talked about is him. And it would never happen. But I realized his words were supposed to make me feel better and that my reaction made no sense. So I tried getting myself together and we sat there in the quiet, him hugging me, and I didn’t want that moment to end. 

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now