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At some point we went inside to eat. Only hours later did I realize that Aaron left without saying anything. After we ate we went to the show. It was weird thinking we were supposed to go as a married couple but I didn’t really care. Just having him there was good enough for me. I couldn’t be without him. I love him. And he loved me. And what happened was in the past. I’m embarrassed to say but I didn’t even notice most of the show. I was too happy to notice anything.

The show ended and we went back to my apartment. Chris came in with me and immediately went towards my bedroom. I was happy to have him here with me but I wasn’t sure if I want us to sleep together now. But a voice in my head told me to appreciate the fact that he's here and not to do anything that'll make him leave. I went to sleep in his arms and its felt good. I don’t know what I was scared of. It felt like home and I liked it.

Next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I went out and found Chris in the kitchen. "Good morning" he said when he saw me and came to kiss me. "Good morning" I said and couldn’t help but smile. "You sitting down? I made your favorite pancakes." I wanted to join him and it was so nice of him but I wanted to go for my run. Also I felt bad about how I ignored Aaron the night before.

"Actually Chris, I’m going running.. I go every morning before work.. I'll be back in about an hour." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and turning away when he started yelling "what do you mean you go running every morning? You never run! I prepared this breakfast for us and your just going?" he was getting upset.

"Yes! I changed since you left. I run every morning so goodbye" I said and left before he could say anything more. I went down but didn’t see Aaron there. Did he not come because of yesterday? I tried calling him but he didn’t answer.

I started running alone and after a few moments tried calling Aaron again and this time he answered. "Where are you?" I asked the minute it stopped ringing I thought you'd be with Chris now so I’m running in a different area" he said in a weird voice.

"Well I’m not.. And id really like to see you. So can you please come meet me?" I asked a bit desperate. I needed to talk to him. Apologize for yesterday. "Fine, I’m coming but it'll take a while" he said in a weird voice and hung up. I continued running and finally 20 minutes later Aaron showed up.

"Hey" I said smiling at him, but he didn’t smile back. "Listen, I’m really sorry for yesterday!! I just realized I can’t be without him, but I shouldn’t have ignored you like that" I said begging for him to look at me. He looked really annoyed.

"Didn’t you say you'll never be able to be the same as before? That it will always be there between the 2 of you? So why are you back with him? I understand you still love him, but don’t you see it will never work out between the 2 of you?" he sounded very upset.

"I know I said that, but I’m sure we'll be able to move past it. I can’t lose him after I got him back. And he realized he was wrong and he left his job for me!!! Why are you so upset at this?" I asked confused.

"You know what? I don’t know. It’s none of my business. If you want to get hurt again then go ahead. But remember I warned you" he said and looked away again. "Well I won’t get hurt. He loves me." I said starting to get angry. "You know what? Let’s stop talking about him. I don’t want to ruin our friendship because of him. How was the show last night?"

"Thanks. I really don’t want to lose you because of Chris!" I said relieved. "The show? Well I’m not sure. I didn’t really notice most of it" I said a little embarrassed. "Well that’s too bad. Its a really good show.. Tomorrow I start rehearsal for my new show" he said smiling. "Wow! Good luck! Will you still have time for our morning runs?" I asked a little scared. I really didn’t want to lose time with him.

"Don’t worry. I start only at 10, so you have me until you’ll get fed up with me" he said laughing "I doubt I’ll be fed up with you" I said and we both laughed and just enjoyed each others company.

"Listen, if you need anything, just call me." he said as we got close to my apartment "thanks Aaron. I appreciate that" I said smiling when we got to my building. "See you tomorrow" I said as I went in. "See you" he said smiling. 

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now