14 Years Later...

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Jules quickly shifts gears on the motorboat, stepping on the gas and speeding up as she, her brother and his boyfriend begin seeing their destination in the distance.

"Home shouldn't be more than 5 minutes away boys."

Jones shifts in his seat tightening his headband, feeling the cool wind brush against his arms and through his hair. He glances over at Midas who was holding a golden staff gleaming with power and a gold texture. He seemed...uneasy...

"Midas? You okay buddy?"

"Hm? I... I'm alright..."

His hands tighten around the sceptre. He felt a heavy weight of guilt hovering over him. It was understandable considering the burden he's had to carry since he was 16.

Within time the motorboat pulls into a harbour with others boats strew about. Midas and Jules hop out while Jones follows after, taking his boyfriend's hand.

"Woah... This place is very nice... How come I.O never knew about it?"

"My best guess is it was somehow outside the Loop Apollo is trapped in. No one here knew or heard anything about it... I only found out about the Loop thanks to Oro..."

"That god your descended from?"

"Well...if it's the right word, then yes."

Midas gazes at the staff in his hands, a small smile on his face.

"I sometimes considered him...more as a mentor and...the kind of person I wished was my real father..."

He said that with a whisper, quiet enough that no one could decipher what he said.

The trio round a corner and eventually come across Midas and Jules' childhood home. Ever since their mother moved houses, and ultimately died to I.O, it had been abandoned. However one room inside the house kept Midas' secret burden hidden away, and he had the key to the door.

"Damn you guys had a nice house." Jones admits, smiling a bit.

"It was nice... It's a shame that for 13 years of my life it felt like a prison." Midas sighs.

The three of them head to the garage, Midas unlocking it, and head inside. Then, he kneels next to a door lead to a basement of some kind and unlocks that too.

"Wait here."

Midas clambers down the set of stairs and fishes out his phone, turning on the flashlight. It was dusty with a few stray empty boxes lying around, however it wasn't what he came for. On his left he spot something covered by a white sheet and goes to investigate.

He tears off the sheet and sighs.

"There you are dad..."

Taking a hold of the golden statue he begins dragging it out of the basement.

"I suppose that hallucination of you I saw a year ago could only be considered a fever dream. You would never be kind to me like that in real life."

He sighs.

"Never in a million years..."


Jules folds her arms with an impatient and tense sigh while Jonesy leans against the wall, a yawn slipping out. He was real tired after dealing with the aliens yesterday, plus saving Midas' ass a few days back, and really wanted to go back to bed.

"Jones! Would you mind giving me a hand?"

He jumps slightly and goes to the basement door.


The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now