10) f r i e n d s

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"Shit, shit, shit." Eli cursed, trying to clean the spilled dark liquid from the floor before it made its way under the coolers where it would be nearly impossible to clean from. 

His shift would have ended in just five minutes, if he weren't such a klutz. But as he was, just a quick clearing up before leaving could easily turn to mopping the floors and listening to Mr. Kaplan's complaints until his ears burned.

"No swearing, you'll scare away the customers." Eli's boss barked, even though there was no one else in the convenience store at that moment. "How difficult is it to swipe the shelves without dropping everything that gets in your way? A stupid, stupid boy."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'll get this cleaned in no time." Eli apologised, biting back the words he really wanted to say. He needed the job, no matter what.

"It's better to be shining after you're done. And I'm taking that soda off your salary." Mr. Kaplan snapped and tossed a mop and a bucket to Eli before rushing back to either mumble how useless an excuse of a human Eli was or counting the register or both. Probably both.

When Eli was done — he wasn't sure if anyone could make that old floor shine — it was already 5.20 pm. There were two missed calls and a text from Benjamin. Eli changed his clothes and nearly ran out of the door, while calling to Benjamin. 

"Where are you?" His tone was slightly accusatory, but he didn't sound too angry. Eli could hear clamour from the background, so he supposed the others had already started without him. Good, because Eli didn't want to cause any more problems.

"I'm so, so sorry. Mr. Kaplan made me mob the floor and.." Eli let his voice trail off. He was just about to cross the street and he glanced on his left just in time not to get crushed by a bike.

"Your boss is an asshole." Benjamin huffed. Then he added with a softer tone: "So when will you be here?"

"I'll be there in five. Ten at the most." Eli promised, halting to wait impatiently for the light to turn green.

"Okay, be careful." Eli smiled at Benjamin's words. It was nice to be cared for. Scary as hell, but nice.

The aroma, which was a mixture of cooked rice, soy sauce and something Eli couldn't quite make out, made his stomach growl. It was pointing out something obvious: if you're a bad adult and have a chocolate bar and two cups of coffee for lunch, you're going to be starving by dinner time. 

"Hi. Sorry I'm late." Eli greeted the others. He gave them what he hoped was his most charming smile and glanced at his dinner companions. 

"Eliiiiiii, my man." Steven jumped up from his seat, squeezed Eli in a bear hug, and added with an exaggerated wink: "Looking as handsome as ever."

"Steeeeven, you idiot." Eli scolded, nudging Steven's forehead playfully. When Steven sat down, Eli took off his leather jacket and took a seat next to Benjamin.

"Hi." The raven haired guy murmured softly, stirring an army of butterflies in Eli's stomach. 

"Hi." Eli breathed back with a beaming smile, and grasped Benjamin's hand, which was resting on his lap, briefly under the table. That had somehow become their thing, like a non-verbal way to say: I'm here with you.

"So, what took you so long?" Judith, with whom Eli had only had a few words before, asked. Her voice was casual and there was a smile plastered on her face, but the look in her eyes gave away something else. It was sharp, critical.

"Just a little incident at work, but it's all figured out now." Eli explained, still smiling. 

"You still work for that grumpy old dictator?" Shirley grimaced.

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