42) o p e n i n g s

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"Benjamin, is it really you?" It was a voice Benjamin hadn't heard in almost two years, and a voice he had preferred never to hear again. He halted, his hand on the door handle of the café and turned around slowly. Oh, how much he just wanted to join Eli and the others, who he could already see laughing and chatting through the big windows.

"Hi, Oliver." Benjamin plastered a smile on his lips, taking in the person he had once loved with all his heart. Oliver hadn't changed much: his eyebrows were still perfectly arched and thick, his fair hair neatly cut and his body toned under his brand clothes. Benjamin could remember each line of the tattoo that stuck out against his tanned skin above the collar of his shirt.

"Hi, I'm Natalia. Nice to meet you." Benjamin wished he could have said the same when he gave another forced smile to the woman standing next to Oliver. He could remember Oliver's hand on her back, under the zipper of her dress, and it wasn't an image he wanted to be reminded of.

She was beautiful. Her long, thick hair flowed around her shoulders, and her smiling face was freckled around her nose. Her green eyes had just enough makeup to make her look like a model from some successful agency. Benjamin was cringing inwardly when he thought that he couldn't really blame Oliver finding her more fuckable than him. 

"Hi, honey, you're late." Just then Eli came to his rescue, opening the glass door and kissing Benjamin's cheek while placing his arm on Benjamin's shoulders possessively. 

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there." Eli apologised then, and Benjamin smiled knowing that he had definitely seen them there. "I'm Eli, nice to meet you."

"This is Oliver, a friend of mine, and his —" Benjamin glanced down at Natalia's ring finger. "Fiancée Natalie. And this is Eli, my boyfriend."

"We know who you are. Oliver is a big fan of yours and —" Natalia's eyes widened in excitement when she looked at Eli, but she was cut short by Oliver.

"I wouldn't say I'm a fan." He corrected quickly, his face burning with embarrassment. Benjamin had to bite his lip not to start grinning, when he glanced at the wide smirk on Eli's lips.

"Feel free to join us, the café is opening in just an hour." Eli offered, his hand still on Benjamin's shoulders.

"Actually, we should probably get going." Oliver glanced at his watch and pulled Natalia with him before she could object. Benjamin and Eli looked after them, and Benjamin let out a heavy sigh. Eli held him a little tighter.

"You're definitely hotter than she is."

"Hate to break this to you, but it's probably because you're gay." Benjamin shrugged, but he could feel a smile tugging up the corners of his mouth. 

"Nah, wouldn't pick her twin brother either." Eli concluded with a playful grin. He pulled Benjamin closer with his arm that was still resting on his shoulders and cupped his cheek with his free hand. 

Then he kissed Benjamin in a way that told him he meant every word. In a way that told him there was no one in this world he would choose over him. Benjamin kissed him back, feeling grateful and overjoyed. 

"Ready to go in?" Eli asked when they retreated from the kiss to breathe. He leaned his forehead against Benjamin's and lowered his arms around his waist. Benjamin didn't answer, he just hugged Eli closer and closed his eyes. 

"Okay, now we can go." Benjamin said eventually and let go of him only to take his hand and guide him into the café where everyone was waiting for them.

It was perfect: the luscious smell of coffee and oven fresh muffins. The high walls with rustic red bricks combined with clear white ones. The old wood surfaces combined with the shiny surfaces. The plants on the tables and the music playing on the background, creating a cozy ambience. 

And then there was the laughter and the familiar faces all around: Steven chatting with Prisca, his hands flying in the air when he talked, Ash and Miles playing cards with Felix and Myra at a corner table, Judith sipping coffee with Dam-Bi and Shirley, Brandon sketching something in his book, Jeremy Preston showing pictures of his baby girl to Benjamin's grandparents. 

"Wait, what are they doing here?" Benjamin's eyes went round and his lips parted when he gaped at his grandparents, who Eli had invited as a surprise. Eli didn't answer, he just chuckled and wrapped his arms around Benjamin's waist from behind. Then he rested his chin on Benjamin's shoulder, just like Benjamin had done that one morning they made pancakes together.

"Benjamin!" Myra ran to them as soon as she spotted them, forgetting all about the game she had been playing. She hugged Benjamin and laughed heartily.

"No hug for uncle Eli?" Eli pouted, crouching down to hug her as well. Myra had become a fan of Benjamin, but she was still intimidated by Eli's tattoos, earrings and the way he dressed. Fortunately Felix was quick to join them and he wasn't the least bit intimidated.

Both Felix and Myra missed their dad, but otherwise the change in Felix was inconceivable. His eyes were brighter and his smile wider, when Eli lifted him in his arms and swirled them around while they both laughed. Felix's light brown hair was cut short and it was messy like he had just gotten up from bed. He was wearing an oversized black t-shirt and black jeans, and all that was missing was a leather jacket, tattoos and combat boots. 

When they corked a bottle of champagne and gathered by a table, Eli poured a drink for the adults. All Benjamin could do was stare, unable to wrap his head around how lucky he was to have a boyfriend like him. He hadn't been kidding when he said Eli was freaking amazing, because he was all that and beyond. 

The progress he had made in such a short period of time was unbelievable, and Benjamin couldn't have been prouder. Having Prisca and her kids back in his life seemed to do wonders to him. Not to mention all the work Eli had done to get the café up and running. It probably goes without saying that not being scolded by Mr. Kaplan for every little mistake was a positive change as well.

Yes, there were difficult nights and sometimes the memories pulled Eli under. He still had difficult mornings and sometimes those stretched all the way to difficult evenings. He was still hurting and struggled to say it out loud, but damn it if he hadn't made progress. He was like a different person, or more like the Eli he had probably been before losing his family and Zack. 

The opening day at Perfect day was pretty much a perfect day. There were loads of customers, from whom many wanted to take a selfie with Eli like he was some kind of a celebrity. He had a beaming smile on his lips and every time Benjamin glanced at him, he felt like he would die if he didn't get to kiss him breathless. 

And seriously, who cared about Oliver and his gorgeous fiancée? Benjamin wasn't going to spend another moment thinking about him, because it was in the past and what he had in front of him was going to be his future. Hopefully for the rest of his life, but who knows.

"Benjamin, come here, we're going to take a group picture." Judith demanded, already gathering them all together.

Benjamin walked between Eli and her. Eli slipped his arm around Benjamin's waist and Benjamin leaned on him. In the picture, the one that was taken with Prisca's phone, they were grinning. And in the one Greg took with his film camera, Benjamin pressed his forehead against Eli's cheek, his eyes closed and smiling blissfully.

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One more chapter to go. :) I think this one turned out surprisingly nice.

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