Chapter 1

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Love is a strong word

You can make anyone that you love feel calm and relief..

Love can make you also feel happy, ease, and also it brings joy to your life..

but lets look at the other side..

Love can make you feel vulnerable, sad, hurt and it brings so much pain at the same time...

But what isn't love anymore? its starting to be an obssession..




"momma, there's someone behind that tree"

"momma, there's someone behind that tree"

"momma, there's someone behind that tree" 

I gasped as i sat down quickly. I looked beside me seeing our full body mirror, i was covered in cold sweats.

*toot *toot* *toot* 

"honey--what the hell happened to you?!" I looked infront of me seeing my wife in an apron , rushing over me.

She put the back of her hand on my forehead to check if i have a fever. 

"you dont have a fever though, what happened to you hon?" She asked worriedly as she cups my face.

I kinda feel guilty though, early in the morning im making her worried.

I just smiled widely as i melt into her touch.

"nothing baby, just nightmare" I said as i held her hands that is placed on my cheeks.

She sighed in relief as she rubs my cheeks with her thumbs.

"god, i thought you're sick or something". She said in relief as she stands up.

"well breakfast is ready, pretty handsome. You better get your beautiful ass up before you get late" She said as we both chuckled.

"alright, queen" I said with a smile as i stand up and grab her waist making her closed to me then i attached my lips to her to get my morning kiss.

As much to my dismay, she broke the kiss and slap my butt multiple times softly, signaling me to prepare.

She left me in our room, and i started my morning routine.


"baby eat slowly the food is not gonna run". I heard jennie said as i go downstairs.

I chuckled as i guessed who's she scolding, i bet its our son rowoon.

"sowie mwomy ich sho delishy dash why". I heard my son said and as soon as i reached the kitchen he started to squeal as well as my daughter.

"momma momma!!" the two of them squeal making me giggled.

I kissed both of their foreheads then i go to jen to kissed her cheek.

"daddy daddy" I nearly spit out my coffee when i heard jen copies the two but the name she called is what makes me nearly spit out my coffee.

"Momma! Manners!". I heard ella said and I apologize for it.

"Sorry baby, the coffee is just too hot". I said while wiping the side of my lips.

I glanced at Jennie who's feeding rowoon now.

I shake my head with a smile plastered to my face.

"Ella and rowoon, today is your first day of school. You have new mom--ouch!". I yelped in pain as I looked to my side seeing Jennie glaring at me.

I mouthed a 'what' to her and she just looked at me in disbelief.

She leaned into me then whispered.

"Don't you dare say 'new mommy' to my babies, there is only one mommy here". She said seriously while looking at me coldly.

I gulped as I nodded.

"S-so ahm what was I saying again? Oh right! You'll be having a nanny starting from now on, cuz mommy and I will be so busy. But don't worry , we'll be together after your classes, okay?" I said with a toothy smile, making them both released a toothy smile and a gummy smile.

"Yes momma!". They both said in unison making me and Jennie smile.

"And hey! Be a good kid alright? If you guys see later the two musketeers, you explained it to them so that they'll tell it to Tata chu, understand?". I said sternly but a still a soft tone.

They both nodded and continue to eat.


So , diko na napigilan at napub na, though do not expect na maguupdate ako ng mabilis HAHAHAH. So kapag nag sembreak baka dadalasan ko na mag ud . UN LANGGG!! ENJOY READINGG!

Published : 12/10/2021

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