Chapter 10 [The Real One]

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Totoo na po talaga 'to. Wala ng prank prank HAHA


Font - dream
Font - unkown two persons
Font - present
Font - Lisa talking


"Is it really necessary to do this?"

"Yes, and you know the reason"

"But I thought you love her the way she is?"

"Yes, yes I am"

"Then why do we need to continue this plan?! Don't you think it's enough?!"

"As much as I want to, I can't. I'm afraid."

"Don't act, it doesn't suit you"

What...They're so familiar. I can't remember to whom this voice was. And what plan does the person mean?

I can't see anything but I can hear quiet voices. What's happening? I thought sleeping pills can be handy? 

"Please, what really is your problem?"

"You! You're the problem here! I'm so done with this! THE GUILT IS EATING ME!"

why..why they're fighting? My ears are aching because of it. Earlier is just like they're just whispering..but their voices are starting to be loud.

"And now im problem?! Are you really okay?"



"Lisa , dinner is ready". I sat up properly, feeling so cold but I felt cold sweats on my forehead.

I looked on the door to see chaeng.

"Hi, get up now manoban". She said and was about to go but I called her.


"Is jisoo and jennie is on the outside?" I asked as I looked at the body mirror beside the bed.

"Oh they're in the kitchen. Why?" She said and looked at her , seeing her looking at me confusely.

"Oh..I thought they're the one who's arguing.." I muttered silently as I looked at the window behind me.

"What?" Rosie asked as she probably didn't heard me properly.

I shookt my head. "nothing. Let's go, you're probably dying in hunger right now"

I joked as I stand up and walks to her.
She slapped my arm not that hard earning a chuckle from me.

"Rude" she said as she walked with me in the kitchen.

"Good evening, limario". Jisoo said in a chirpy way.

"Evening, dr. Chikin" I grin as she rolled her eyes.

"Your wife really test my patience, jendeuk". Jisoo said making jennie chuckles.

"Don't worry, she does it too to me everyday." Jennie said as she feeds rowoon.

"Oh I am not, Jennie Kim manoban". I said seriously as I squint my eyes to her.

"Quit lying, girl" Chaeng butted in as she wipes cley's lips.

I gasped as I placed my hand on my chest.

"I am deeply offended by this team up that I am seeing right now." I said as I looking at them with a squinted eyes.

"They're not teaming up, momma. It's just a simply truth". Ella said as she drinks her milk.

My jaw drops while the three just laughed it off.

"Ah yes, I'm living for this little savage Jennie kim" I heard chaeng said as she did a slow clap.

"I raised that savage girl". Jennie said with a proud smile as she collects the kids plates.


Soon, the family gathered up on the living room with popcorns on their hands.

While the tops is on the kitchen aisle having a beer session.

"So, how's the pills that I gave?". Jisoo said it quietly enough for her and lisa to hear.

"It works, but lately I am receiving a weird dreams." Lisa muttered as she sipped from her drink.

Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows as she sips from her drink too.

"Really? Describe it." She said as she lean a bit to lisa.

"I'm hearing some voices that are somehow familiar. But I can't name it yet. They're too familiar. And they were arguing. About me, I guess? Cause the other said that I deserve to know something. Which it makes me so damn curious everytime". Lisa explained as she sipped from hee drink.

Jisoo on the other hand was left on a deep thought.

"Jisoo? Jisoo, are you okay man?" Lisa moved jisoo's shoulder as she noticed The brunette was in deep thought.

"Yeah, I'm okay...that really is some kind of a weird dream.." Jisoo said as she looked on Lisa's eyes.

Lisa nodded as she sipped.

"Do you feel something with that dream?". Jisoo suddenly asked out of blue making Lisa freeze to her spot.

"W-what do you mean?" Lisa asked as she stopped drinking.

"Like do you feel that is real but at the same time not?". Jisoo asked and once again that made Lisa froze.

"Y-yes , it does" Lisa said with a slow nod.

"It really is a weird dream."

To Be Continued

Hi :))
How are you??


Published: 04/03/2022

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