Chapter 16

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"Explore? those were just rumors, ella. And plus, we're freaking grade 6 students remember?! we're kids!"  cley said

"And??? C'mon, can't you feel it?! It's so exciting! We only live once cley so let's enjoy it" I said with my eyes sparkling.

And she just looked at me with an unreadable face. Maybe battling with herself if she'll accept or not.

But after few moments she sighed and nodded making me hugged her tightly.

And that's what happened yesterday.

And here's what it leads us now. Infront of the old building.


"Do you really think this is a good idea? Mate, I'm still so young and I don't wanna die at this age. AND I STILL HAVENT GOT A CHANCE TO MEET MY KNIG—" I shushed cley up by slapping my hand into her mouth.

"Will you please be quiet?! And plus as what you said, those are just rumors and we're just trying to find out if it is real or not so chill the f out" I exclaimed pissedly As I removed my hand away from her mouth.

She pouted as she looked up to the building.

"I swear to god , this is so so a bad idea". She said while shaking her head.

I rolled my eyes as I started walking infront of the entrance.

"H-hey wait up!" I heard cley said.

The building is covered with big blue something that I don't know how to explain it properly, but surely is covering the entire building.

And as we are close to the entrance I immediately covered my nose and surely feel myself like I want to vomit because of the smell.

"Ew! What's that smell? Did you farted?" I heard cley beside me said it, she also covered her nose.

"No I did not! And girl, even if I farted it smells good that you can even put it as a perfume! Gosh what's that smell?" I asked with the same question.

" i think its better if we try to explore outside of this building before we go in" Cley suggested and I nodded since I can't also handle the smell.

Cley started walking first with me trailing behind her.

Explored the parking lot, the waiting shed and the other placed on outside of this building.

As we continue from walking I suddenly got bumped.

"Ouch! Why did you stopped?!" I scolded her but she remained frozen.

I started to get worried so I looked infront of us making me gasped.

My eyes are wide as hell and my shaking hands makes it way to my mouth to cover it.

"S-so that explains the warnings infront of this school.." Cley whispered.

The place where we are now is full of blood stains everywhere. The grass are also stained and as well as the lifeless tree.

I'm assuming we're in the garden.

"S-so..the rumors are..true" I said almost in a whisper.

"But..why do I felt like I'm having a dejavu" Cley mumbled making my head snapped to her.

"I think I saw a vision. It flashed to me. Or maybe I was just hallucinating since I'm seeing this. I don't know anymore! Maybe I'm still hallucinating that I'm seeing this! This! Bloods everywhere!". Cley said as she knelt and clutched her hair tightly.

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