Chapter 2

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So fluff fluff for now because it's Xmas, ayoko muna kayo mabaliw dahil pasko HAHAHAHHA anw! Merry Christmas everyone ! Enjoy the day!

I told you, if I can't have you, then no one will have you. I'll kill you both, just like what I did to irene and yeji and to those three pick me girls.".



"they're so fucking horny that they can't shut their mouths off, and still gossip how wet they are over you knowing that I already have you. And it made me so mad so I cut some of the univ guys dicks and put it in their mouths and wet canals, and slitted their throats". She explains happily.

Fucking stop!

"Stop please"

"You're thinking of her don't you?". Her voice were is more cold than a ice, her eyes were darting to my fresh wounds as if she's trying to burn it with her flaring eyes.

"Stop ! Stop!"

"Say hi to your bodyguard, lili". She said sweetly while smiling

While she's holding...

IU's bloody head..

"FUCKING STOP!" Lisa shouted as she raised her head from her office desk.

Her face covered with sweats as her breath were heavy.

A rushing footsteps can be heard outside of her home office room, then the door swang opened revealing a worried kitten.

"My love, are you okay?". Jennie, her wife, said as she goes infront of her husband and buried its face between her mounds.

"You've been like this for the past 2 months, after the chaesoo married. What happened to you, hon?". Jennie asked worriedly as she stroke her husband's hair.

"Just busy from works, honey". Lisa replied still letting herself drowned from her wife's perfect mounds.

"Hmm, let yourself relax first, babe. It's holiday. " Jennie said softly as she kissed her husband's head.

"I will, c'mon I'll help you with the decorations ". Lisa said as she removed herself from her wife's hug , then stands up.

Jennies eyes beamed with happiness .

"Great! Chaesoo family will be here soon!". Jennie said as she drags Lisa to the dining area, seeing their daughter and son, placing some balls to the Christmas tree.

"Yo yo yo!". Lisa shouted in excitement as she joined her kids.

"Momma!" The two shouted as they showed the Xmas balls infront of their momma's face.

Lisa laughed as she gets the Xmas balls.

"What are you guys doing?". Lisa asked as she gets the flower.

"We're designing the Christmas tree, momma! Come and join us!". Ella said as she pushed her momma to the Christmas tree and gave her a Xmas ball.

"Mwoma". Rowoon called her momma as he close and open his hands, indicating he wants to be carried.

Lisa cooed at the sight then grabbed her son.

Suddenly, the door swang opened revealing the chaesoo.

"AYO WASSUP YO MAMA CHIKIN IS HEREE!" Jisoo shouted as she twerked infront of Lisa with the bags in her hands.

"Oh my lord". Chaeng and Jennie muttered as they closed their children's eyes.

Lisa approached jisoo then smacked her head.

My Homophobic Psycho 2 [JenLisa GP]Where stories live. Discover now