Chapter 4

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"Fine, just...please..don't let the nightmare engulfs you, lisa. The woman, the serial killer, everything is all just a lie, a dream, a nightmare. If you need me, you know what to do. And I promised I won't tell a thing to my cousin"

That's what jisoo told me after I left her office. And to be honest, I felt guilty for not telling about this pills from Jennie.

But then again, it felt also weird by feeling that it is okay to not tell it to her.

I don't know whom am I going to listen to.

I don't know what to feel. To think.

It felt true but at the same damn time no.

I was just so sure that it's real because my kids saw it too. It can't just be their imagination...or is it??

"Fuck!!". I shouted in frustration as I parked my car on a abandoned house that I didn't realized that I was driving wherever I am without me realizing...until now..

I looked around to see myself in a unkown place for me. But then, this house stand out in the sideway of the unkown (somehow kinda forest) place.

"Great, I'm lost". I said as I chuckled sarcastically then got out from the car.

What's more worse? I cant almost see a thing, it's just the moon who gives me light and my car light.

"Can this be more worse?" As if the world playing with me, it started to rain.

"OH GREAT! NOW THE MOTHER NATURE WANTS TO PLAY WITH ME". I shouted as it echoed the silent street.

I shuffled my hair in frustration as I got in my car once again.

I checked my gas and it's almost in limit.

"FUCKING SHIT!". I shouted in frustration as I slump myself in my seat.

I looked outside to see the abandoned house who's inside the looking kind of forest.

Suddenly, a chills ran through my spine making me shivers.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go inside there..". I muttered as I looked away.

But then, as if my eyes has its own control, my eyes automatically stare at the abandoned house.

As I look into it deeply, i can see a vaguely figure.

I squint my eyes, hoping that I can see it properly, but as I stare at it longer, a deep ocean like blue eyes, pierce into my eyes as it smiles widely in the deep pitch black but the moon only lighten its eyes and its shivering terrifying smile.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

One way ticket, one way ticket

I jumped in surprise to see my phone lighten up with a caller name on it.

Your wife🥰

I gulped thickly as I answered it.


"Manoban! Where the hell are you?! It's almost past midnight!". Jennie cutted me off with a almost scream.

"S-sorry baby..I just caught up in a rain and lucky me got stranded in an abandoned place...and another good news for you car don't have any gas hehe". I said in a nervous tone as I chuckled nervously.

"What?! Wait let me track you--and don't you dare hang up this call or else I'll be the one who'll hang you up in the ceiling". Jennie said sternly making me shiver in fear.

"Y-yes ma'am". I stammered.

Sometimes, I thought that she really is a crazy one. For example earlier, she'll hang her own wife in the, does she sounds like a crazy mad woman?? Indeed she is. And do I love a like crazy mad woman like her? Indeed a infinity I am.

"Lalisa!". I got startled when I heard my wife yelled my name in our call.

"Y-yes??". I stuttered.

"I'm asking you, what are you doing in that kind of place. I already tracked you and I got surprised you're so far". Jennie said , and I swear I heard a worried tone.

I sighed.

"Love, please don't come. Just stay there with the kids, please. I can handle myself, my love. Just take care of the kids. I promise I'll be there when you guys woke up. I promise , okay??". I said softly.

"But love--"

"Please, Jennie". I called her by name, hoping she'll not insist anymore.

I heard her sigh in the other line.

"Fine...please baby, be careful..take care, I love you"

"Yes, I will..I love you more"

To Be Continued


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