Chapter 17

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Font - dream
Font - someone talking


"Only mistake
You gave me 365 days"

You sang softly as you continue to move downwards the sharp knife against your silky soft skin in your wrist

"But nothing could ever make me be
Next to you"

I watch as you let your healthy red blood trails down to your hand as it drops to the glass.

"I've tried so hard
But no one's perfect enough"

As it seems you're satisfied to your work. You put down the sharp knife as you lick your trailed blood on your arm that made you moaned in ecstasy.

"But when you're alone"

You continue to sang and once again get your sharp knife.

My heart is starting to beat two times more faster as I can feel something bad might happen.

But then, my whole body including my heart stopped for a moment as I saw your whole face.

You are covered with blood and it clearly doesn't bothered you as you are smiling brightly with blood on your lips and some part of your teeth while you're holding a sharp knife.

"There's something so sweet
About death"



Right now I'm in the private rooftop of a cafè with jennie.

I'm not here for some bonding time.

I'm here to start once again to protect Lisa.

Because for sure Jennie or should I say Ruby Jane has a plan and surely her plan is flowing good just like how she want it to be.

And I am here to stop it.

"I'm here to get to the point already" I said firmly.

By that tone, she immediately put the cup of tea in the table as she looked at me with her hooded bloody red eyes.

Just like before.

She released a chuckle as she put her elbows in the table and rest her chin above her hands.

"What do you me–"

"What exactly is your plan?". I asked firmly while looking at her deadly in her eyes.

A smirked form into her glossy pinkish lips as she took a sigh.

"Simple, make Pranpriya remember her true self." As soon as she Said that a beep sound can be heard in her phone.

I looked at it, which it is placed in the table, I squinted my eyes for a better look.

INTRUDER | Basement Library

"Shit" I heard her curse under her sigh as she sprinted out of the café without saying anything to me.

My head started ache.

I need to save lisa

I need to save the siblings

As if something ignited me, I also started to sprint out of the cafè as I dialed my daughter's phone.

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