Alternative Ending [EPILOGUE]

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"I see. So the hero finally makes her move" Jennie said with a sly smile as she slowly makes it way to us.

"Ella run!" I shouted as I grabbed Jennie's shoulders and pushed her to the wall.

Hesitantly, ella run outside of the room.

My other hand landed on her neck and starting to choke her.

"Die, you fucking psycho". I angrily mumbled as I grip more harder.

But she just giggled and licked her teeth which now I just noticed that is fill with bloods.

"What are you really? A fucking psycho or a fucking vampire?!" I mocked as I now gripping her with two hands.

"Hmm, that's a hard question. But C'mon, let's be real here. I can only be the first choice. If I'd be given a chance To be both, then you'll be my first target to be drown into its own blood". Her eyes twinkled in excitement as she said those words.

"And I say, I want it to be real. Right. Now" She showed her gummy smile as she tiltled her head.

my eyes widen in anger as i gritted my teeth. 

If you have a poor eyesight you wouldn't see her lifting up her right hand with a knife, ready to kill you.

But i, managed to dodged that and attacked her with the electro shocker that sent her to be unconscious.

i sighed as i slightly touched my almost no skin face.



Hesitantly, ella run as what her tata chu told her so.

She reached for the doorknob on their front Door, and quickly opened it.

"e-eh.." She muttered in disbelief as a headless body fell down beside her.

It was then she realized that their front step are full of police and one docter are dead.


N O   O N E ' S  P O V

The room was filled with worries, fears and concerns.

And one woman who clearly looks like a mess. She was pacing back and forth with a doctor infront of her, convincing her not to worry and everything is under control.

The woman stopped from its tracks and raised her hand to stop the man who keeps babbling.

"Dr. Bam, how many fucking times do I need to tell you! That I need to fucking know if my wife is alright?! I don't fucking care if you said many fucking times that everything is under fucking control because that shit is far from truth. I know more better than you So Fucking Give Me The Fucking Keys or I shoot your fucking balls and not to be able to make your next generation!!" Rosè shouted as she grips hardly on bam's collar, making the man lift up a little.

Bam gulped in fear "i-im so--"

"Don't fucking make me one of those psychos, or else I promise you that I will be the worst of'em" Rosè whispered firmly and the man don't have a choice but to give the keys.

Cley and rowoon watched Chaeng how she made the poor man scared for his dear life.

"Tata chippy is scary" Woon whispered to cley that made her nodded proudly.

"And I inherited that attitude" she proudly said.

Earlier, when rowoon arrived at the park's residence. The siblings As well as the mother pulled him into hug.

My Homophobic Psycho 2 [JenLisa GP]Where stories live. Discover now