Chapter 7

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Another fluffy chapter as a  celebration to our lovely chipmunk, and as a thank you gift for yalls for the 1k followers LOVE YALLZZ!! <33



"Shh shh don't make a noise, roy!"

"But I'm just curious if mommy will wake up if she smells food"

I heard a multiple whispers and giggles but I chose to ignore it as I thought it's just my imaginations.

"Go on, boy. Go get some her favorite foods and make her smell it"

"Oh no, not so good words you got out there Kim jisoo. "

"Let her hon, she chose the hell way"

"Oh Who said I'm not gonna let her? Hell, I'm excited to watch her getting smack outta hell from chaeng"

I groaned a little and make myself more drowned to my food land.

But then, it stopped when I smell so so good that it made me sat up straight.

"Oh careful!" I heard Jennie said.

I looked to my side seeing Roy holding a cake with a relief on his face.

"HA! Gotcha!". Jisoo said and I slowly looked at her with a confused face.

"H-huh?" I said confusedly while my head is tilted.

"Happy Birthday Chaeyoung-ah". The three of them suddenly shouted making me startled.

"Happy Birthday, mommy/Tata chip!". The kids shouted making me smile.'s my birthday

"Oh wait wait let me lit it up". Jisoo said as she lit up the candle.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear chip--

"Aw!" Lisa said after I smacked her arm.

"My name please" I said as I glare at her.

She chuckles nervously as she nodded.

Happy birthday dear chaeyoung

"Go on. Make a wish". Jisoo said as she goes closer to me with the cake.

I closed my eyes as I clasped my hands.

I smiled as I opened my eyes then blowed the cake.

"Happy Birthday!!"


"So what's song you guys want?". Rosie asked as she strummed to her guitar.

Both families were in the manoban's backyard doing a campfire.

"I'm okay with everything, as long as it's not tip toe". Lisa said as she laughs to her own joke.

While the others are looking at her like she's crazy.

"Didn't know your into dark jokes , hon". Jennie said as she chuckles a little.

"Are you sure that the sleeping pills that I gave you doesn't have a side effects?" Jisoo whispered to lisa making Lisa elbowed her.

"Tata chip! I want baby shark!". Woon said while he's raising his right hand.

"No! I want Sofia the first song". Cley said as she continue to argue with woon.

Ella on the other hand rolled her eyes as she goes to Roy who's dancing.

"Mhm, that's really Jennie Ruby Jane's daughter yall".  Jisoo said after they witnessed the rolled eyes of ella.

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