Chapter 18

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driving to its limit, I don't care if I will bumped onto something.

I just need to go as fast as I can onto their house to save ella and woon.

That's my main motive as of now.

I need to save them.

Finally arrived to my destination. I quickly goes out to my car and marched towards inside the house.

I was about to shout ella's name but I stopped myself as I don't want Jennie to know that I am here as well as lisa.

So I stayed quiet.

Then, I made myself goes to ella's room which is here in downstairs.

But then, I noticed it was wide opened that made my heart beat quickened.

I go inside panickly and found her nowhere.

"Shit shit". I muttered as I search her everywhere inside her bedroom.

But I did not find her.

Then I noticed ella's phone on her bedside table.

I get it and immediately goes outside her bedroom.

I quietly goes across her room which is rowoon's room.

I carefully opened his door and goes inside.

Woon's must've been sensed that someone entered his room as he keeps on moving and lightly groaning.

Then, he rubbed his eyes as his sight are starting to go normal.

"Hmmm..t-tata chu??" He mumbled and I smiled at his cuteness.

I leaned down to him as I brush his ruffled hair away from his face.

"Hey there, buddy.." I whispered.

"Tata chu? What are you doing here?? It's 3 am, Are we going somewhere? Or overseas?" He bombarded me questions excitedly that made me chuckled.

I was usually the one waking him up whenever we're going somewhere since their parents are busy preparing themselves and also what the kids are going to wear for the day.

I cleared my throat as I timidly smile.

I must stay calm so that he will not suspect anything and not freak out.

"Uh yes..but I'm not going with you and your noona, but I'll catch up don't worry." I said as I wear him the jacket.

"Why?? Where are you going, Tata chu?? And where are we going?" He asked more that made me chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"No more questions, buddy. For now, I want you to listen to me. Hold this". I said as I gave him ella's phone which he get it.

"Noona's phone?" He asked confusedly with a pout.

I nodded with a smile.

"I want you to keep that , keep it no matter what happen and don't lose it, got it? And once someone call you look at the ID's name first, if you saw my name answer it, if it's other name don't answer it, do you understand?" This time my tone was dead serious.

Woon looked suddenly shocked.

"T-tata chu, is there something bad happening?" His lips were formed into pout as his eyes are filled with fear and worriedness.

I sighed as I shook my head.

This kid is so smart, he immediately sensed that there IS something wrong.

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