Chapter 14

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I've seen alot of comments from you guys that it's confusing...I've been giving clues on every chapters.


"What's happening?" A strong Australian accent came to their bedroom to see Lisa shaking terribly because of fear and a worried Jennie beside the door.

Rosie looked at jennie with her furrowed eyebrows as she walked towards Lisa and embraced her.

"Shh, calm down lisa". Rosie whispered softly.

"Wash yourself, Jennie unnie. Lisa must've been took the wrong idea". Rosie said.

Jennie hesitated at first but nonetheless goes downstairs.

Knowing Lisa is still suffering from those nightmares. The bloods and everything that includes the terrifying scenarios can activate her attacks.

"Calm down,  lisa. Jisoo is coming". Rosie said and started humming.

But lisa started to shake her head.

"No no! She don't need to! I've been giving her troubles since earlier! She got worried sick because of the accident—" Lisa suddenly stopped as she knew she said something that she didn't planned to.

"Accident? You got into an accident earlier?!" Rosie's voice slightly got loud and lisa immediately closes her mouth with her hand.

"Quiet! I don't want Jennie to know about this! I mean I'm not planning to hide this forever, I just don't want her to know about this yet since I've causing her a lot of stress this days." Lisa said and the guilt risen upon her.

"Hey! What happened? Attacks again?". Jisoo immediately goes to lisa.

Since the day were lisa and the kids found the familiar shadow under the tree. Lisa started to have attacks.

"Did you take the sleeping pills?" Jisoo asked absent-mindedly.

Rosie still doesn't know.

"Sleeping pills?" Rosie butted in and thats when jisoo realized her mistake.

"Fuck, I'm sorry" jisoo apologized to lisa and lisa just sway her hands telling her it's okay.

"I'll explain later". Jisoo said and focused on lisa.


Few moments later, jisoo decided to leave lisa with rosé and goes downstairs to find Jennie cleaning the kitchen isle that is covered with red food coloring.

Jennie must've noticed jisoo as she sprinted towards her with her panic expression.

"How is she? Is she okay now? Can I go upstairs?" Jennie bombarded her with a lot of questions.

"Relax. She's sleeping now. Besides, you can't go upstairs looking like that. That might trigger her again". Jisoo explained looking up down on jennie's look.

Jennie is still covered with the red food coloring.

"Speaking of that, what the hell happened? Why are you covered up with red food coloring?" Jisoo asked as she grab a wipe and gave to Jennie.

"Hell happened. I was baking and when I Try to put a red food coloring on the meringue, the food coloring suddenly splash onto me. And that results this" Jennie said as she sighed while wiping herself.

"I see..well you might want to wash up. I'll be handling this mess". Jisoo said.

Jennie nodded. "Thank you"

As jisoo watched Jennie walking away. She can't help but to think something.

"Jen!" Jisoo suddenly called her making jennie halted her steps and looked jisoo.


"Oh my bad..Ruby jane" Jisoo's voice suddenly turn into something that you can't really recognize from her.

"Ruby Jane, what really is your plan?". Jisoo asked seriously as she looked deadly on jennie's eyes.

Jennie pouted and clasp her hands from her back then tilted her head a little from the right side.

"What do you mean?" Jennie asked innocently.

That made jisoo gritted her teeth.

That act again.

Jisoo sighed as she looked at jennie calmly.

"I mean, what really is your plan today??". Jisoo said with a little smile.

Jennie beamed as she understood what jisoo meant.

"Oh! Just baking and have a dinner date with lisa later, since you guys promised to me that you'll take the kids into your house" Jennie explained with a smile.

Jisoo nodded slowly.

"Great..Really great"

Jennie smiled widely as she walked towards to the bathroom.

Jisoo watched Jennie walks away and she can't help but to glare.

The glare soon disappeard as she heard her phone ringing.

She snatched her phone from her front pocket and picked up the call.

"Hello? Dr. Kim Jisoo, speaking".

"Hello, Dr. Kim. They're awake"


Jisoo arrived quickly to her hospital and she was immediately greeted by the nurses and other doctors.

"Dr. Kim". One of the nurses approaches her.

"How are they?" Jisoo asked as they both made their way on the elevator.

"Both are quiet. But as soon as they got awake, they both asked for water. We asked some things but they said they can't remember anything. Except for one thing" The nurse explained as the elevator door closed.

"What is it?" Jisoo asked after she pressed a certain button.

The nurse leaned into jisoo's ear and whispered something that made jisoo froze with her eyes widen.


Both are finally walking into the dim hallway and stopped infront a white door.

The nurse opened the door, revealing two hospital beds with monitors beside it, and two bodies laying weakly on the bed.

Jisoo approached the two bodies.

"How are you feeling?"

"Irene and yeji"



Another clue😄

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