Chapter 15

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The sounds of the monitors echoed throughout the room.

And the dim light that gives the only light on the room.

It's currently midnight and jisoo is still in the secret room.

"How are you feeling? Irene and yeji". Jisoo asked the two patients who's laying weakly on their own beds.

"Weak" Irene answered first.

Jisoo nodded and looked at yeji who seemed in a daze.

"Yeji??" Jisoo called.

Yeji looked at her slowly.

"I don't know what to feel. It's all mix. I can't remember anything" Yeji replied weakly as she closed her eyes.

Jisoo nodded as she sighed.

"I get what you mean. But don't worry, I assure you that you will have a good future without knowing your past. And trust me, you wouldn't want to remember your past" Jisoo said seriously making the two looked at her.

"What do you mean? It's better for us not to remember our past?" Irene asked confusedly.

"Yes, that's right. Trust me." Jisoo said seriously.

"And why should we trust you? We can't even remember who you are or if you are part on our past". Yeji challenged her.

Jisoo sighed.

"I'm Kim Jisoo, your schoolmate in highschool days. And I'm your also classmate and friend since elementary, irene. And now that I became a doctor, I helped you two from a dangerous encounter and incident." Jisoo explained.

"Dangerous encounter?" Irene asked.

Jisoo's eyes darted on Irene.

"Would you believe that you are Friends with psychos?"



"Seriously, stop crying the f out, cley! They're just sandwiches!". I annoyedly said to cley.

Well here I am trying to calm my bestie that she accidentally—no erase, scratched it. That she reportedly to me that she got bumped with a boy.


Anyways, she's crying nonsense! I can buy her a tons of food! But she said her mommy taught her not to waste any pieces of food. And yeah, I guess that's what she's crying about. I mean, she has a point.

"C'mon cley! I can buy you a sandwich or other kinds of foods in the cafeteria!" I insisted as I try to drag her.

But she just keeps on crying and sulking while glaring the boy infront of us

I groaned in frustration as I angrily looked at the boy.

"Hey emo boy! This is all your fault. Why dont you just simply say your sorry". She angrily said to the boy who's infront of us.

The boy infront us scoffed making my right eyebrow raised.

"Emo boy? Really? Just because of This chain in my neck, you call me that? Well then, should I call you Psycho Daughter?" He said making me and cley froze.


"What now psycho daughter?? And plus your friend there is at fault. She's not looking the way that's why she got bumped onto me." He said one last time before he left us.

While me and cley is still dumbfounded.

"That b emo boy". Cley finally spoke up.

"Ella? Are you okay? I'm really sorry. He's just messing around. Don't take it seriously". I heard cley reassuring me but i can still hear his voice.

Psycho Daughter


Why did I like the sound of it?

"Ella!" I snapped from my thoughts when I heard cley.

"C'mon! I quickly got the sandwiches and drinks, let's go to the cherry blossom!". Cley said as she drags me all the way to our spot.

As soon as we sat under the cherry blossom tree. Cley immediately bite into her sandwich.

While me, still in a daze.

"Hey? Penny for your thoughts?" I heard cley mumbled with some pieces of her sandwich on her mouth.

"The boy, he called me Psycho Daughter. I dont—". I sighed as I don't know what to say.

I just don't get it. Why did he called me that?

"You know. Ignoring is the key. They're just a bunch of idiots who's scared to your mom." Cley said while smirking as she winked at me knowingly.


I shake my head as a no as I took a bite from my sandwich.

"You're not gonna tell it to your mom??" Cley said clearly surprised.

"Nope. I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm a big girl now, I can take care of myself with those bullies". I said with a shrug.

"HA! That's my girl". Cley said proudly as she took a bite with her sandwich.

"Yeah, I also heard that. The woman actually almost slice the woman's head, thankfully there's another woman in there and saved the woman. Man, that's so really creepy"

"Yeah! And the one who rumored that is a serial killer is actually a—"

"Ella! Your sandwich is falling apart!". Cley suddenly spoke making me to stop eavesdropping to the other kids behind us.

"Oh sorry". I mumbled as I looked behind us.

I sighed as I realized the kids are no longer there.

"Did you heard it too?"

"Huh? Uh yeah. A bit of it" I replied to cley as I took a sip from my juice.

She nodded as she sip too.

"Serial killer..and psychos. This school is really terrifying me but at the same time I'm enjoying the thrill. And thank God they were just rumors" She said as she put her right hand on her chest.

I just furrowed my eyebrows.

"Cley...what if those are not rumors? What would you react?" I asked cautiously.

Cley was a bit startled to my question but nonetheless she answered.

"Weird and terrifying question, but to answer your question. I'd be going to another school and drag you with me along with our dongsaes". She said as she finished her sandwich and also her juice.

While me, got in daze.

"But..what if I don't want to"

"Huh? What do you me—"

"But what If I don't want to go anywhere else? What if I just want to study here and explore or investigate this place? Can't you feel what I feel? The excitement of investigating this school? To see if it is real that there are real psychos and a serial killer here? To see if there is a dead body here? That old building right there, that is entitled before as YG UNIVERSITY!" I said with excitement in my voice and my eyes are pooling.


Tears of joy?

Because of the too much excitement and joy that I am feeling?

My heart is also pounding because of the excitement that I am feeling.

"W-woah calm down, ella. You're creeping me out, not gonna lie" Cley said as she chuckled nervously.

I faced her and cupped her cheeks.

"Don't be. Just imagine how thrilling and exciting would be". I said with my gummy smile as I chuckled with my eyes closed.

Very fun


How are yalls? Did you guys finally get the clues???

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