Chapter 19

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Warning: things will be more n more complicated. 

and i hope yall would now understand. And the answers are crystal clear, just read it properly.


Fonts - Dream/Jisoo talking/ Flashbacks

Font= reality


J I S O O 

"w-where am i?" i mumbled as i groaned when i stand up. looks like a garden.

wait..this place is so damn familiar

i looked around and saw kids running around. There are slides, swings, and other things that you can play in the playground.

"what am i doing here?" i mumbled to myself as i watched the kids playing.

"hey! there's some fighting inside" i was shocked the he spoke a thai language. Believe it or not, i can understand and speak thai.

I heard one of the kids, and they all started running inside. As i saw the building, my body froze. in my old school which is located in thailand..

Could it be?

Could it be im inside my dream? my past?

i started run and follow the students. And a crowd welcomes me in the cafeteria.

"oohh looks like the freak is finally letting us see her...Dark Monster! raaghh!" i stiffened hearing the so so familiar voice.

The crowd infront of me started laughing.

"so now what freak? okay,since im a kind person. Im gonna give you three choices. 1 is are you just gonna cry there like you always do? 2. you'll going out of my sight . or 3. im gonna punch you in the face? the choice is yours" the crowd once again laughed .

the words that the kid spit makes me feel disgust, anger, sad, and to sum it up..i feel so horrible.

"Oh C'mon! cry cry cry always crying! you know what? im just going to punc--"

I make my way towards the crowd, and squish myself to see whats happening


and my heart drops as i realized i was right..

it was lalisa who shouted..

the little lalisa..

But no one's perfect enough
But when you're alone

a sudden soothing voice enters the whole area and i just felt like floating

There's something so sweet
About death

The sweet soothing voice continued to sang and my eyes finally starting open.

My gaze immediately spotted her. She's making her buck knife sharper with a stone.

"You're finally awake, Dr. Jisoo. Or should i say The Serial Killer?" She said without looking at me then she giggles.

i gritted my teeth in annoyance as i tried to untied myself. I was tied by one of the handles of the bed. And i noticed someone is tied also on the other edge of the bed.

And i was shocked to see ella.

My head made a harsh turned to jennie, and i am surely red because of anger.

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