Chapter 8

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things are about to be going to rush this story, so sorry in advance. But i'll make sure you guys will understand the flow of the story.


font - dream

Font - present






"what's irene plan?"

"what's irene plan?"..

"for fucking fuck sake, please tell me!"

"whats the point of telling it, if the plan is already infront of you"


"dont you think you've had enough, ruby jane?"

"what? what's with sudden change name, kim jisoo?"

i woke up from my dream, suddenly hearing some noices outside.

by hearing my wife's name and bestfriend's name, i already knew who's chit chatting.

I groaned a little as i stand up and wore my slippers.

i go outside of our bedroom, then quietly walking down to the stairs.

But as i heard my name, i stopped.

"lisa need to know about this, jane"

"stop saying non--"

"what do i need to know, kim jisoo?" i asked seriously looking at them with suspicious.

"h-hon.." Jennie stuttered.

now that it made my right eyebrow raised.

Jennie kim isnt fond of stuttering, unless she's nervous or...hiding something


"this!" Jisoo cutted off jennie as she showed me jennie's phone.

i confusedly looked at jennie's screen.

"uhm..shopee?" i confusedly said.

"yes!" Jisoo said firmly.

That made me more confused.

"Shopee..?? Why--wait what the fuck is happening, you're making me confused as hell you dickhead". I said pissedly as I smacked her head.

"Aw! You pussyhead! She's non stop adding to cart on her shopee account and payed them all with your credit card! That's what you need to know!". Jisoo said with the same tone as mine while she's rubbing her head.

I looked at jennie for confirmation, and when I saw her shyly looking away, I already know it's true.

"'s okay, you can use my credit card as long as you want, honey". I said while smiling as I peck her lips.

She smiled to me then stick out her tongue at jisoo.

"Wha--how?! What--but chaeyoung--". Jisoo seems out of words right now.

"That's the problem of being TOO UNDER". I said with a mock smile on my face.

She glare at me as I did her infamous smirk to her.

"So, what did you buy this time , Jennie Ruby Jane manoban?". I asked jennie as I back hugged her.

"Well, the non-sticky pan, tissue, the cute blender, and the mat." She said with a sweet voice.

"Let me guess. Those are all chanels" I said and I hear laughed.

I felt her nodded that made me chuckled.

"Geez, you two are--ew..". Jisoo said as she shivered.

I rolled my eyes as I shoo her with my hand.

"Go and have a date with , chaeyoung.". I said continuing to shoo her.

She rolled her eyes as she bid a goodbye to us.


"Hey ella, you still hadn't finished telling me about the creepy b word girl you saw under the tree infront of your neighbor". Cley said as they both sat under a cherry blossom tree.

The two girls have the same grade, while the two boys are finally in grade one with the same school of their noonas.

Ella sighed as she hand out the sandwich to cley and get her own sandwich.

"So, here's the tea. The creepy b word girl is somewhat holding something. It's long, and probably sharp, ofc I can't define what is it because she's all shadow-y". Ella explained as she bit her sandwich.

Cley nodded as she also get a bite from her sandwich.

"And then, when we called momma, I saw her froze, and got pale like she saw a ghost. And starting by then, I heard her and mommy discussing some grown up stuffs, nightmare perhaps? Yeah.". Ella said as she sips from her drink.

"Ohh, but who actually saw it first?" Cley asked as she get another sandwich from her bag.

"Well its--yah! You scammed me! I thought you don't have a sandwich with you?!". Ella said as she saw cley biting another sandwich.

"Did i?? I'm sorry then! Continue now". Cley said , eagerly to listen to the tea.

Ella rolled her eyes as she sighed.

"Well, woon saw it first. At first I thought he was joking cuz at first look I didn't saw anything, but after I tied my shoelaces, I finally saw it". Ella said with a shrug as she finished her sandwich.

Cley nodded as she sips from her drink.

"That's creepy and weird at the same time..". Cley said.

"But hey, did know this already?". Cley said as she lean closer to ella.

Ella squinted her eyes to cley.

"What is it?". Ella asked as she moved her body, facing cley.

"That this university, Korea Seoul High University, is actually named as YG University before. And that building.." cley pointed the old building beside their building.." was actually haunted."

"They said the reason why that building is haunted is because 3 girls killed everyone, except one girl. They also said that this one girl is really scary than the other three. I heard that from the teachers on the hallway". Cley said proudly as she wriggled her eyebrows.

Instead of being creep out, ella find herself getting excited of the story.

"Really? Wow.." ella said with amusement in her tone.

"Wow?! You got amazed with the creepy terrifying story?! Man, I would be running like flash if that happen to me". Cley said while shaking her head.

"No! I mean wow because I didn't know that it really happened in real life..". Ella said.

"Uhm... I didn't said it really happened, I just heard it from our teacher in the hallway..but hey, who knows, that might already really happened". Cley said with a shrug.

Once again, ella find herself excited


To Be Continued




Published: 02/16/2022

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