Chapter 3

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Since that day. The day that my nightmares started to come. The day where I cant forget. The day that I've never imagined that I wish is just a dream.

But no...

I've been seeing the terrifying silhouette,  outside of our window, standing to where we first saw it, every night.

I want to tell it to Jennie. Actually,  I already did. But then, she looked at me as if I betrayed or something like it can destroys me.


"L-love!". I yelled , terrified certainly filled my voice.

I heard a rushing footsteps , coming to my room. Then, my door opened , revealing in a worried look.

She immediately goes infront of me , seeing my terrified look, she immediately engulfs me.

"What happened?". She asked softly but still you can clearly hear a worried tone on it.

"I-i saw her! Again!" I stammered , cold sweats started to form on my face.

I'm trembling in fear.

She froze on her seat.

Suddenly, she pushed me softly to see me .

I immediately looked into her eyes and it was my turn to froze on my seat.

She looked like as if she was betrayed or something that I can't explain. It was a mixture of feelings that I can't comprehend.

"Don't you trust me enough, love? I already told you the truth. There is no woman, who is obsessed with you in our love story, just..only me...". She finished off as she looked at me in the eyes with the same emotions.

I looked away...

I sighed deeply as I clenched my eyes.

Yes, she's her manoban.

I thought as I looked at her again.

"I'm's just...ah nevermind..I'm really sorry, love". I said apologetically.

I kissed her knuckles while looking directly to her eyes.

Then, her eyes beamed with love , the one I was so familiar with.

"It's okay. I understand.  Trauma is still there". She said as she gave me a peck on the lips.

FlashBack Ends

I sighed deeply.

I just know that it's not imagination.

Besides, it's not only me who saw it.

My son and daughter saw it too.

And that's my proof that the woman who they said is just my imagination when I was in coma, is really true.

Knock Knock Knock

Dr. Jisoo Kim

Jisoo looked up to me, surprised to see me entering her office.

"Lisa" she stands up as she fixed her white coat.

I smiled timidly as I sat down infront of her desk.

"So, what's up? Lover quarrel or just need a drink?". She asked as she sat down to her swivel chair.

I chuckled as I shakes my head. Usually, I come here in her office when I wanted to talk about I and jennie's fight or just like want to hang around with her and have some drink, but today I don't have any plans of that.  I have other plans.

"Nah nah, I just want some sleeping pills". I said as I sighed.

She looked at me confusedly but nevertheless,  she gave me sleeping pills.

"So what's that for? Too stressed about works that it made you sleepless, or because Jennie always making you have a blue balls?". She asked straightforwardly making me bursts into laughter.

"Bitch no! You know Jennie, she never left me hanging, she's more wild than those animals who lives in the wilderness" I said as my laugh finished.

Her eyebrows raised and then her mouth formed into an 'O' as she nodded.

"Right right. So what's that for?". She asked once again.

I sighed as I remember the reason why I need to take some pills.

"Wait, does Jennie know about this?". And that made me froze.

I quickly shoot her a pleading look, making her grew more confused.

"S-she didn't , doesn't she? She doesn't know about this, am I right?". She asked and I nodded nervously.

She sighed as she stands up then drags the chair infront of me and placed it beside me. She sat down and placed her right hand on my left shoulder.

"Seriously Lisa, what's bothering you so much that you needed much to take some sleeping pills? And thus, you didn't inform Jennie about this. What would Jennie feel if she knew her wife didn't inform her first about her condition? Lisa, she's your wife for God sake, she suppose to know what's your problem or whats bothering you right now." Jisoo said as she sighed.

I began to become nervous more that it makes me tremble.

Jisoo must've noticed it as she grabs both of my shoulders making me face my trembling body to her.

"Lisa. Lisa?! Hey buddy! Lisa relax! Shit! Lisa calm down!". Jisoo began to become frantic.

"Shit shit fuck! oh my God jisoo you are a  fucking doctor and yet you don't know how to fucking calm your friend! Shit!" I heard jisoo scolding herself as she cups my face.

"Hey hey buddy! Breath with me okay?". She said and I nodded, suddenly out of voice.

"Breath in" we both breath in.

"Breath out"

"Again , breath in...breath out.."

We do that several times until I managed not to tremble again.

"Whew, I've thought I will lose my license of being a doctor right there." Jisoo said as she wiped her cold sweats in her forehead.

I only looked down.

I sensed that jisoo is looking at me right now with full of confusion and worriedness.

"Lis, tell me please. What's bothering you?". Jisoo begged me as she hold my left shoulder.

I slowly looked at her, and she gasped as she saw the emotions in my eyes are full of fear.


"I'd seen the woman. With the kids. Under the tree. Tell me, is there still something I didn't know?"

To Be Continued

I know it's a Lil bit late, but how's y'alls Xmas and new year's celebration??


Published: 01/09/2022

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