Chapter 6

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~Double Update~


The next morning came and thankfully it's Saturday which means a family day for the manobans.

The sun's rays illuminates the room of the married couple.

"Love , wake up"

"Momma wakeyss!"

"Mwomma pancakies time!"

Lisa groaned happily by hearing her favorite voices.

She blinks multiple times then when her eyesight got into normal , she sat up straight and hugged the two kids and kissed them all over their faces which makes them laugh because of tickle.

"Goodmorning , my babies!". Lisa greeted.

"Morning, momma!"

Lisa turned to her side seeing her beautiful lady wearing her favorite gummy smile.

"And goodmorning to my queen". Lalisa said happily as she kissed her wife.

"Goodmorning to you too, love". Jennie said with a smile.

"Eww!" Both rowoon and ella said at the same time making the married couple giggled.


Screams, squeaks,  and giggles can be heard inside of the manoban's house.

"No Lisa! I said Flour not Floor! What the heck are you doing?!" Jennie said as she saw Lisa tapping the floor.

"I'm so sorry! I heard it as floor. Your new Zealand accent is making me confusee!". Lisa whined as she gave the flour to Jennie.

The manoban's decided to bake a macaroons since the kids were practically begging the married couple to try the macaroons.

"Haha momma is dumb" Ella said with a giggle as she continue to mix .

"And schewpid" rowoon added while flapping his hands.

Lisa looked at them with a offended look and her right hand is placed to her chest.

"I'm not dumb and stupid! Who taught you that?". Lisa asked.

"Mommy!" The two replied proudly making jennie's eyes widen.

"L-love, no. They're joking! Right my babies?". Jennie asked nervously.

"No, we're not mommy. We always hear it from you". Ella said , not looking at Jennie and continously mixing the meringue.

Jennies eyes widens even more as she nervously looked to her side, seeing a flaming Hazel doe eyes.

"You'll pay for this". Lisa said deeply as she slowly walk towards Jennie.

"L-love, I swear I didn't teach them that". Jennie replied nervously as she slowly step backwards.

"So we're liars, mommy?" Ella faked sad as she stops mixing the meringue.

Followed by rowoon who's now pouting with her eyes started to pool.

"No! I didn't said you two were liars!". Jennie defensively answered.

"So it's true then. You said it to them that I am stupid and dumb". Lisa said making jennie snapped her head to lisa.


"Oh you're dead". Lisa said as she gets the flour and showered it to Jennie then put a meringue to jennie's fluffy cheeks.

"Oh my gosh, lisa!!". Jennie shouted when she finally was covered by some flour.

My Homophobic Psycho 2 [JenLisa GP]Where stories live. Discover now