Chapter 9

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Hi?? Still remember me? Hshs

Font - dream | Font - unknown person
Font - present | Font - Lisa talking


"Why am I still here?"

"I hate this place.."

"I hate this abandoned building.."

"I hate all about the details of this building..."

"I hate all of it knowing that this is your kingdom.."

The woman who's sitting with her legs on the table, infront of Lisa chuckled as she keep on twirling the handle of the knife with the tip of her index, while the tip of the knife is resting on the table which it makes it twirl.

"Are you trying to make a joke right now, honey?" She said as she chuckled once again while shaking her head.

Lisa just snickered as a response.

"I hate you" . Lisa said with so much hatred.

The woman giggled.

"Now that was a good joke." Once again she giggled then sighed afterwards.

Her sinful eyes darted upon Lisa's eyes.

"Don't be acting like you're the victim here."

"You want me to get rid?"

A loud devilish obnoxious laugh came out to her sweet plump lips.

She sighed as her crescent eyes darted once again to Lisa's eyes.

"What a shame"

She said as she stabbed the table with the buck knife.


"Love. Wake up.". A soothingly familiar voice wakes me up from my weird dream.

I felt her thumb brushes to my cheek as she peck my forehead and eyes.

I groaned softly as I slowly opened my eyes revealing a brown feline eyes.

"Goodmorning, love". She whispered as she peck my lips.

Yeah I know that's weird, early in the morning pecking each other's lips without cleaning teeth. But she's Jennie kim. She'll do what she wants, and who am I to complain?

"Goodmorning". I greeted as I scan her outfit.


"you're going out?". I asked groggily as I try to sat up but she slightly pushed me back making me lay down again.

"Yeah. I'm going out with Rosie. I'll have the kids with me same as with Rosie, so that the kids can play.". She explained softly as she once again peck my lips.

I hummed as I buried my face to my wife's stomach, while she continue to stroke my hair.

"Then I don't have a choice to be with the chicken" I muttered as I heard her chuckled.


"Oh please, you two can't even separated.  Don't act like you don't want her around". She said.

"Hm true". I said as I pulled out then chuckled. "Oh well then let's go"

"Oh no no, I'll drive the other car.". She said that made me right eyebrow raised.

"Oh? Don't you want me to drive you guys?". I asked.

She shookt her head as she pushed me to lay down once again.

"Jisoo told me that I need to keep on eye on you, and I've noticed that you're getting thinner than before. So I decided to let you have a rest.  That's why I invited Rosie and the two musketeers to go out, so that you and jisoo can talk about what you feeling right now.". She explained and I just looked at her in disbelief.

"I..I felt a bit horrible not to be able to noticed your situation more faster. Jisoo noticed it before me...I felt like a horrible wife and--". Before she can even finish it, I hugged her tightly.

"No one said that you're a terrible wife. I infact have a full package wife right here!". I said bubbly as I pulled out from the hug and hold both of her shoulders.

"Look, hmm sexy. Check! Cute, Check! Hot, Check! A responsible mother, Check! I can't even finished it all because you have it all. There's too many". I said as I giggle.

She laughed and I swear thats the most beautiful music ever.

Suddenly, a cough ruined our moment.

"I think this is more better scene than to those scene that I caught you two making ella and rowoon". Jisoo said with a smirk.

"DICKHEAD!" I threw the pillow right on her face.

"Ouch!" She groaned.

Then, we heard a rushing footsteps.

"What happened? You cockblock them again, aren't you?!". Chaeng arrived and saw her wife laying down with the pillow on her face.

Jisoo stand up as she rubs her nose.

"No, you'll be surprised if said that I caught them laughing like a teenager ew-y couple". Jisoo said as she rolled her eyes.

Rosie looked at us.

"Aww cute..but also disgusting". Rosie said and I gasped while jisoo just laughed because of her wife's savageness.

"I told you not to teach our chipmunk of your savageness". I scolded Jennie.

Jennie just shrugged as she smiled to chippy.

"Let's go, hubby". Jennie said as she linked arms with chaeng.

While jisoo is still laughing.

I grew annoyed so I grab my slipper and threw it right on jisoo's face.



"And that'll be a 200 tissue full of blood". I said as I threw the last tissue.

Jisoo sighed as she sat down comfortably to the couch with the ice pack on her nose.

"Those tissues on the bin says fuck you to you Lisa. A big fuck you". Jisoo said as she rolled her eyes.

I laughed as I sat down beside her.

"Ain't my fault that you're so annoying". I said as I rolled my eyes.

She sat up straight furiously as she pointed her red nose.

"This! This needs a justice! My nose needs a justice! With that lame excuse you have, this nose needs a justice!". Jisoo said furiously.

"Oh calm down will ya, Rudolph". I teased as I turn on the TV.

I heard gasped that made me snorted with laughter.

I stopped when I saw a familiar scene in the tv.

"Oh! Insidious! Don't you dare change the channel, Lisa. I'm warning you". Jisoo said as I heard shuffling noices indicating she's making herself comfortable.

Tiptoe through the window
By the window, that is where I'll be
Come tiptoe through the tulips with me
Oh, tiptoe from the garden …


"My favorite song"





Published: 03/15/2022

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