Chapter 5

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Hai?? Still there??? Haha


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I said as i looks at the two figure going to their classroom.

I heard Jennie chuckles as she grips my arm gently.

"maybe she already know the plan of irene, you know... Chaeyoung really hates bad people, especially men." She giggles while cupping her mouth with her right hand. "anyway, let's just follow them. We might get late."

She said as she drags me.

"o-oh wait!!"

She stops and looked at me confusedly.

"yes, lili?". She asked to me cutely while tilting her head slightly.

"I-I s-still didn't know about Irene's plan..." I said and I am suddenly weirdly having a sweats in my forehead, and started being nervous.

She smiles to me but it didn't reach in her eyes then she touches my nose.

"not here. I'm going to tell it to you later. Okay?". She said sweetly and i just nodded as I shrugs the heavy feeling right now.


I woke up with a groan escaped my lips after I dreamt about my nightmare.

I looked around me seeing peaceful sunny road ahead of me.

I squint my eyes as I felt my back pain.

"Right. I got lost." I whispered as I remembered everything.

I checked my phone seeing it's already 7 am. I immediately put the map on and so quickly started the engine then drove off.

As I make my way back home, I can't help but to wonder who's that figure that is smiling at me under the shadow at the house?

And added to that, why am I starting to experienced alot of weird events after I saw the shadow holding a katana?

And most of all...what really is Irene's plan???


"Oh shit!!" I shouted as I turned my wheels to the left.

I stopped when I finally secured that I am safe.

I looked at the back, to see the truck driving straightly.

I was panting...

My heartbeat is increasingly beating unlike to my liking..

I cannot breath properly...

I closed my eyes as I recalled my memories on how Jennie could calm me.

Breath in...

Breath out..

Again , honey..

Breath in. Breath out...

I opened my eyes as I assured that I am finally okay .


Arrived @Manoban's house | 9 am

I parked my car on our garage as I immedietly got inside the house.

As soon as I got inside I was greeted by silence.

I closed my eyes as I sighed deeply.

I opened my eyes and closed some lights and let the dim lights on, then trudged towards the coach as I laid down.


"No..." I whispered as I look around..

I want to cry...I want to scream...I want to get out of this nightmare place!

The white wall that it contained alot of blood and written using blood saying mine...

Heads hanging up to the ceiling with a blood written to their foreheads LILI..

Bodies on each every corner of the hallway with some green lockers and now looking like a painted red lockers because of the bloods...

And the flickering sound of the continously on and off of the lights...

And beside me...was the student councillor's room...along with torture chair and....

IU's head...

I gasped for an eyesight started to become blurry as I look around the dim room...

"Honey?? " my breath hitched at the sound of the familiar voice.

"N-no..." my voice cracks as I slowly covered my ears.

"Honey , you came back!!" She sounded so excited and so happy...and I do not like it..

"No, p-please stop!". I closed my eyes as My tears started to stream down to my cheeks while I pressed my hands more to my ears.

"I know you wouldn't leave me.." She sounded so proud...

"I know it too well..because you love me so much that you can't even let me go..." She sounded serious now..

"PLEASE STOP!!" I shouted as I opened my eyes then my heart almost leave my ribcage...

"YOU LET ME IN TO YOU" she screamed as run towards me with her eyes stitched , crying with blood and her mouth is drinking her own blood.

"NO!" I sat up , tears continously streaming down with my cold sweats.

"LISA". I startled when I heard my wife's voice.

I reluctantly look to my side and I slightly gasped seeing my wife crying.

"Love, tell me what is wrong with you? You're making me worried sick!". Jennie said as she cried harder seeing my distate look.

I wiped my face then took her in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry love...sorry for making you worried...". I said, and guilt flows to my tone.

"Just tell me what is wrong with you..I don't want to see in this kind of state..please honey..". I froze.





To Be Continued

I should've told/warn you guys in the first book HSHSH

So I tend to make people confused at first and make theirselves realized what it is..if you can notice..on the first book..the starting chapters are somehow normal, right?? And then, as you were going in the middle of the story..the storyline are starting to become confusing..but then, here's the almost ending part...let me give an advise..if you read my book, don't overthink..why? Because it'll make you more confuse..if you read it carefully ,you'll realized it's just easy to find who's the psycho or the antago..and on the part where I put alot of dreams(1st book) there's a meaning behind it, so much HAHAH.

So yeah Hshsh, I explained it because I got a lot of comments were they're so confused..don't worry , this book, chapters by chapters ,will gonna answer all your confusions😊. Tyyy


Published: 02/07/2022

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