Chapter 20

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"Psst, Tata chu"

I heard ella once more , so I slightly moved my head to the left side with all of my remaining strength.

And I heard a gasp coming with a sob. And I knew she was crying.

I mean if i would be in her shoes, I would be crying as hell too. Like duh, my visuals got ruined in just a second.

I just shookt my head at the mere thought. Can't believe I can still throw a joke in a situation like this.

"Tata chu, what your face??" Ella asked with sob escaped from her mouth after she said those words.

"Well, my beauty just lessened..a bit I guess, right? I'm still kind of beautiful, right?" I throw a joke to lessen the pressure on this room.

I smiled slightly as I heard a giggle from my niece ella.

"You still look beautiful for me, Tata chu". She said and I can't seem to wipe the smile from my face.

But remembering the knife that I had under the bed, the smile fades off.

"Ella, sweetie." I called her seriously.

"Y-yes, tata??"

"I'll pass a knife under the bed to you, and I want you to free yourself. Got it?"

"Yeah, b-but how? My feet are tied as well as my hands". She worriedly asked.

I pushed the knife under the bed and makes it way onto ella's place.

"Okay, are you wearing slippers right now?"


"Great! Now I want you to do is press your right foot on the silver part of the knife..did you made it??"

"Yes, Tata chu!" She exclaimed happily.

"Okay, I believe that you somehow lift up the handle part that you can even lift it up more between your Big Toe and Long Toe and then put it on the bed by lifting up your lower hed and atleast a little hope that you can move your body to the bed and placed the knife to it." I explained and I heard some grunts and groans indicating she's having hard time.

"Yes!" I heard her exclaimed happily which I assume she did it and that made me smile proudly.

"Yes yes! Good job, sweetie. Now.." I tried looking at the bed and found a long pillow thankfully just beside my tied hands.

"Ella, I will move the knife to your hand using that pillow. And I want you to cut the ropes. Got it??"

"Yes, Tata chu". Ella said and i took that as a key to start my mission.

I groaned as I hardly grabbed the pillow and started to move the pillow to knife with all of my strength left on me.

I continued until the handle touches the hand of ella.

"Got it!" She happily exclaimed and once again I'm wearing a proud smile.

"Good job, sweetie. Now do your work."

Grunts and groans..and somehow swear words?? Is all I can hear right now.

Few minutes I heard her suddenly squealed.

"You did it?" I asked happily still not enable to face her because of my current state.

"Yes, Tata chu! Oh wait let Me--". She stopped when she finally looked entirely of my face.

"Don't cry, you said I'm still beautiful right??". I asked softly as a sob escaped from my mouth.

"M-my own mother did this?" She mumbled to herself as she light traced her index finger to my face. Afraid that I might get hurt.

My Homophobic Psycho 2 [JenLisa GP]Where stories live. Discover now