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Sorry, this isn't a chapter. I'm gonna share some of my thoughts about my story and kinda want your opinion of some stuff, if you will.

It will include some character analysis.

(This isn't part of the story but i might reveal some information about characters so it's better to read this)


As i have mentioned before briefly, she is someone who has reincarnated. I haven't completely decided what her past life would have been like in detail, but i have a brief outline ready. But it's important to know that:-

1. She was an orphan in her past life in a way. She wasn't born with her past life memories, she recovered them when she was three.

2. She did have relatives who were alive but due to certain circumstances, there was alot of family drama.

3. In her current life as Athanasia (lovely princess), she didn't have any book to read and know about future events like Athanasia did in wmmap.

4. All theories and guesses she makes are all through her own intelligence and information she gathered.

5. She currently conflicted on how to feel related to Claude. But she will admit that she was slowing opening up to him. Who knows, maybe she'll talk about her past life with him if he earns her complete trust? Idk. I haven't decided yet.

6. When she was younger, a part of her did want Claude to be a good father for her. Not the best but to at least be there for her. So when she found out that he forgot her existence, she lost all hope.

She always wondered why her father forgot her. Why he always showed his hatred towards her so bluntly. She knew it was something related to her mother. So she investigated. She found out about her family secret, and a whole bunch of other things.

7. Her being a mage is totally me being interested in their mana. It's a very curious thing and there's not alot information given about mana in the manhwa (is it there ln the novel? I haven't read that so idk)

I'd like to imagine it being something similar to chakra.(Naruto anyone?)

It's such a convenient thing. And her being born with such high amounts of it and not using it to her full advantage just seems like a waste to me. Besides, here's a small spoiler....

She was very powerful in her past life. In that world there was a power similar to mana. Since she was extremely powerful then, she tried applying the same concepts with mana.

She's stronger that Lucas too! He became strong because he had alot of time. He froze his heart and became kinda immortal so he had all the time he needs to practice and get stronger.

We never did find out how old he is but i theorized that he's probably 200+ years old. Hear me out.....

Aternitas was someone who ruled obellia 200 years before Claude did. And Lucas was called to teach aternitas, where he had called him worthless (?). He was well known as the magician of the black tower, so much so that he had to be called by the imperial family as a teacher.

If her was 1000+ years old like how it's said in other theories, then surely they would know he's immortal? But no one knows. That's why I think he's older than aternitas but just maybe by a few decades.

Also, the only reason I'm not shipping Athanasia with Ezekiel is because of the age gap. I love Ezekiel. I would definitely ship him with athy if she wasn't a reincarnated person. He was said to have viewed Jennette as a sister but was made to marry her because of him father's greed for power. But he had always loved Athanasia since he first met her. It was one of those cheesey love at first sight things but it was still cute.

Emotions without the influence of alot of information is a very simple and cute thing. Ezekiel truly loved Athanasia in lovely princess. But he won't here. He respects her though.

I'm not a huge fan of Lucas but i will admit that he and our mc make a cute pair. I was worried about the love intrest because
1. She out of character, her personality in this is mine
2. I'm not very knowledgeable in the love department. I don't understand that emotion very well. I understand attraction but love between two people who were once strangers? Not so much. So the love story part of this is barely there and will only be briefly addressed. But lucathy is endgame.


idk what to think about Jennette. Here's my views.

Jennette from wmmap is a very innocent and naive girl. All she ever wanted was a family. We can see that she considers family very important. All throughout her childhood, she longed to be a family with BOTH Claude and Athanasia. She thought they were her father and sister. Even when she revealed her identity and lived at the palace.

In wmmap, it was common knowledge that Athanasia was in Claude's good graces and very favoured. That's why shes more innocent in wmmap. She wasn't manipulated to think that Athanasia was bad or needed saving or whatever. She wasn't told that she was meant to be crown Princess. She wasn't told anything actually. Hence why she's good.

Jennette from lovely princess is someone who grew up not knowing much about Athanasia other than hearing rumers about her desperate for her father's love. That she stayed in the place of the massacre, the Ruby palace. She was manipulated from a young age to have her mindset a certain way. She very naive and so, was easily manipulated. She wont be killed her but she won't be getting a redemption. She'll just be more of a clueless character that only does what she's told.

But she only grown to be bad as time goes by after the debutante. She gets too arrogant with all the favor she gets from Claude. She gets convinced that she's the heir. Athanasia wasn't someone who was favoured by Claude. But she was still the one who thaught Jennette the ways of the palace. Jennette didn't like that someone who wasn't too he rightful heir knew about all this. She thought that Athanasia was challenging her for the throne.

Hence why she often invited Athanasia for tea and showed off the things Claude did for her. That's why she didn't defend her much after the poisoning attempt after she woke up. She just cried a bit to make people think that she cares for someone who poised her. A kind and lovely princess.

That's why, it's very hard for her to accept that Athanasia is not someone who needs her saving. That she's not the rightful heir to the throne. She knows her father and mother's identity but doesn't know that Anastacius is alive. She's met him in his viscount identity multiple times though.

Athanasia has a personal grudge against Anastacius here. You'll find out about it in later.

She doesn't know anything about him being possessed by aternitas. She will try to take revenge on him.

(I don't think I'll be make character analysis for any other characters, idk)

Thanks for reading!!✨

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