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Claude halted in his steps. He looked back to see Jennette calling out to him. He didn't respond and just sighed.

But Jennette stood with determination. She thought she heard wrong, because she's the one meant to be crown Princess! Not her!

She asked in a loud voice

"What is the meaning of this father!"

He raised his eyebrow as a silent question

"I'm the older one! I'm supposed to be crown Princess! Why are you giving my position to her!"

Everyone in then ballroom started to shake under the glare of the emperor and the crown Princess. But somehow, princess Jennette paid no mind to it as she continued.

"I'm much more talented and refined that her. I'm prettier too! She's someone who lived in the Ruby palace all these years with no tutors! She's stupid! You cannot so this to me!"

This was surely news for everyone. Athanasia had made sure that no information about her is revealed to the outside. That's why, the fact that there's a princess living in the Ruby palace, who is not close to her father, is the only knowledge anyone knew about her. No one knew what she looked like. No one knew how smart she really was. Even now, no one knew whether his majesty favours her or not.

Jennette screamed and thrashed. Not showing even an ounce of elegance that she was known for. Duke Alpheus had moved towards her and tried to tell her to calm down but she pushed him away. 

Anastacius, who was standing towards the back to hide his presence, could only cringe and regret not making his 'daughter' study. He didn't encourage her studies as he wanted her to be someone easily manipulatable.

Claude had a cold look on his face. One that was similar to when the council of nobles had seen whenever his majesty sees something he despises and would get rid of soon.

"Know your place"

She stopped screaming. Instead she started sobbing and hiccuping. Everyone who looked at her couldn't help but feel pity. For some reason, they liked the princess.

Suddenly there was a cool breeze throughout the ball. Everyone found themselves snapping back to reality and started thinking more rationally. They were confused as to why they felt a sudden favor to the sobbing princess.

"But it isn't fair!"

"It is fair, princess Jennette."

Jennette was shocked hearing the words of her 'sister'

"How could you say that! That is my right! You stole my place!"

"My,my accusing me of stealing 'your' place isn't very nice, is it? I am not lying when I say it is fair"

"What do you mean your highness?"

Duke Alpheus asked. He was quite curious. Surprisingly he said that with no ulterior motives. That much was obvious. The emperor answered

"Because I kept a test. I had called multiple scholars and tested both the princess's on various subjects."

He then looked at Jennette with a glare.

"Not only did you refuse to study when I told you to multiple times, you failed in every subject as well"

There were murmurs all around the hall. Jennette started to lose the favor of the people. She was utterly humiliated in front of everyone in the kingdom. She ran out with tears in her face. It didn't help that her black magic caused everyone to look at her humiliated self.

Athanasia sighed. This truly was troubling. Jennette successfully managed to not only humiliate herself, but also bring down the image of the imperial family. It's time to do some damage control.

She stepped forward. The sounds of her heels clicking was loudly heard in the full room. She addressed them

"This is a day to rejoice, not cast pitying glances around. I will be your future ruler. I stand her and vow to continue to keep obellia prosperous!"

Sprits lifted by the crown Princess's words, everyone cheered loudly. Successfully bringing back the joyous mood. She stayed back and greeted the guest and received their gifts and well wishes.

Everyone she met that evening were so charmed by her intelligence, grace and beauty that most of them supported her.

Although there were a few who were against her current position, Athanasia knew how to put them to their place.

(I will not be uploading properly for a while due to my upcoming exams. Sorry in advance)

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