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So, Athanasia meets Lucas, Claude, and Felix. After looking at her pinched up face, Lucas asks her what happened.
She glanced at Claude and told him that she had something to tell him.
They go to a secluded area, and Lucas places a sound barrier. 
Claude was very worried because the mood was tense and serious.
Athanasia tells him that Anastacious is alive. She slowly starts to explain about her mother's past, and that Anastacious had led to her death.
She tells him about her past life, meeting Anthony, and tells Claude what her uncle told her.
Claude is understandably very angry. Even more so, as he found out that his precious people died because of Anastacious.
During this time, Anastacious is searching for the identity of Azure's head. 
He took almost a week to figure it out. He was angry and decided to hit two birds with one stone.
He wanted to aim at Athanasia to make sure he properly got rid of the evidence, and he would get rid of Claude and take back the throne. 
He contacted Duke Alphus and Jennette to arrange a sort of get-together in the guise of asking for Jennette's hand in marriage. to wed her with Ezekiel.
Obviously, Ezekiel is against this; he's loyal to his emperor and didn't want to take part in this scheme. Besides, he wasn't in love with Jennette anyway.
They had been close during their younger days, but after Ezekiel came back after finishing his studies, Jennette was different. They were not close any longer.
He visited Athanasia secretly after one of his visits to Jennette. He tells her about the plan made by his father and Anastacious.
Athanasia already knew about it due to her spies, but was still happy Ezekiel came forward. Claude and Athanasia decided to forgive him and make sure he was safe. 
Besides, Ezekiel didn't know all that much about the case. He'd only recently found out that Viscount Patterson was the former emperor Anastacious.
Athanasia determined that Duke Alphus, Jennette, and her aunt, Countess Rosalia, would all suffer.
Ezekiel begged for his father's life. And so, Duke Alphus would live in his home, confined.
Anastacious and Jennette would obviously be executed for their acts of treason.
She would reduce the status of the house of Alphus to count and let Ezekiel count since the house of Alphus was involved. It is the least they should do.
Jennette's aunt and Anastacious, disguised as a servant, came with Duke Alphus and Countess Rosalia (Jennette's aunt) to the palace.
The area was private but had guards stationed around it. Athanasia specifically chose the more loose-mouthed knights in order to make sure everyone found out about what was happening.
Claude and Duke Alphus conversed for a bit about Jennette and Ezekiel's marriage. 
Well, a one-sided conversation. Claude just stayed quiet the whole time, but Duke Alphus kind of took it as a yes, and Jennette started to enthusiastically plan the engagement ceremony.
Athanasia, Ezekiel, and Felix mostly stayed quiet. As did the disguised Anastacious.
Then, Lucas entered the area, and upon seeing him, Anastacious snapped. He shot a spell towards him, which was blocked.
There was an entire reveal scene where they cornered the three and bound them. 
The knights kept them in prison for a few days.
During this time, word about Anastacious using black magic and Jennette being a chimera spread.
They spoke with the royal council as well, announcing the count status of the house of Alphus with Ezekiel as head.
Of course, Ezekiel was proved innocent. 
Through investigation, it was discovered that Duke Alphus was almost always under Anastacious's control by black magic, and hence, wasn't entirely aware of what he was doing. 
Hence, his life was spared.
The truth about Anastacious was revealed as well, but was mostly brushed off since they found out Anastacious was possessed by aternitas only after his apparent death. All of his prior actions were done entirely by himself.
Then the execution happens. The execution of Anastacious and his daughter Jennette Countess Rosalia was reduced to the status of a commoner and had been severely punished.
Ezekiel takes his father home.
Then there were supposed to be some cute fluff moments. 
Mostly between Claude and Athanasia. 
Lucathy as well.
Claude visits his wife's family and apologises to them for getting their daughter involved in his family drama, which cost her life.
Then, years later, Athanasia's coronation. Her marriage to Lucas, and finally a happily ever after.
The end.


I hope you enjoyed this fic.

I know it was very irresponsible of me to end it so abruptly, but I simply did not have the motivation to continue writing a fic I had absolutely no interest in any more.
Besides, I was doing this in my free time, so I guess it's okay.
Thank you for reading!

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