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Jennette had been frustrated. It had been over a month since this new change happened. Her aunt Rosalia had assured her that her father wasn't close to her sister at all. But she was clearly wrong. Father was very close with sister.

It wasn't as though Claude had started to neglect Jennette. He does meet her sometimes. Maybe once a week. But those meetings were always short. He'd only ask her how she was and if she's doing her studies well.

Why?! He was supposed to pay attention to her! Not Athanasia!

Jennette always thought why she should do her studies. All she had to do was get him on her side right? So why waste her time on that when she can read her fairytales and play with her dolls.

Ugh. How she wants to bite back her works right now.

Jennette found herself seated infront of many scholars. And what exactly was she doing? She was writting a test. It included various subjects including politics, business, history, traditions..... It kept going on. She was dizzy as she left to her room.

But why was she being tested all of a sudden? She's studies, sure, but there were so many concepts that she's never heard of before! They even tested her orally! How mean!

Were they trying to make her feel stupid? Because they certainly succeeded.

But she won't study! Father had only been asking about her studies but having fun with Athanasia so she won't study as a rebellion. That's what he gets for being so mean!

She was so mentally drained that she stayed in her room for a week and only came out to eat.

As for why she was being tested all of a sudden. It goes back to a few days ago with Claude and Athanasia.

"I want you to be my heir."

It was very sudden. Athanasia just stared dumbfounded.


"I want you to become crown Princess"

She stared at him blankly for a bit. She then sighed

"Father, choosing your heir is not a joke. You are merely choosing me because you favor me. But what if you favoured Jennette rather that me? You would choose her. This is the future of the obellain empire. Please take it more seriously. Besides, isn't Jennette older?"

(She started to call him father!! She doesn't trust him but does consider him to be someone she can accept as a father now)

"I am serious. I have observed you for a while now. You are more than capable."

"Well..... Im not against that but now that Jeannette is know as your eldest daughter, she will fight for the throne. She is also naive. The nobles will definitely choose her. That is why, please give us a test."

"A test? What kind?"

"Anything. You can give me and Jennette tests to see which of us is more capable. Then you can name the winner crown Princess."

"I see..... Alright. I won't tell you what the test will be about though."


Poor Jennette, just lost her chance for the throne.

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