Hellios: (Part 2) Saint Haven In Danger!

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Fearsome battle of experimented monsters and the adventurers of different guilds continues in Saint Haven as they courageously fought against strong enemies that tried to push their way in the middle of town to wreak havoc. But the enemy put most of their forces on the south gate, where the Vermillion Bird team is assigned to defend.

Zabkiel was the one leading the team. At first, it was going smoothly. They defeated a lot of monsters and only a few managed to slip away that is easily dealt with the Zerket team and other guild members. But suddenly, a huge explosion was created creating dark green smoke lingering the area and a lot of enemies showing up the gate, rushing to attack. The adventurers starts to fight but suddenly most of them collapsed on the ground making Zabkiel alerted the moment he realized what the smoke is but it was too late. The smoke has spread so fast that most of them inhaled the poison and collapsed.

Zabkiel and Iruel starts to cough a lot and also fell down on the ground as they weakly watch enemies march inside the town and scattered. Zabkiel cursed as he tries to get up but he felt so weak and failed to do so. A few minutes later, back up came and took out the poison gas with the help of the moonlords. VOP members starts to heal the poisoned adventurers. Ouriel came there in person knowing how serious it is after the report. He casted miracle, cure and heal relics to slowly get rid of the poison. He took out an antidote and let everyone drink it.

"O-ouriel..." Zabkiel managed to call his name, feeling a bit better thanks to the relics. Ouriel shushed him as he let Zabkiel drink an antidote and coughed.

"Take it easy. I'm just glad that we managed to get here in time before it's too late. We'll get you to safety." Ouriel seriously said but Zabkiel shook his head.

"I need to... protect Saint Haven." Zab said in a weak voice but Ouriel gave him a serious look.

"You're not in the condition to fight. For now, you need to rest. You have done enough for the town. Have faith on us and the others..." Ouriel sternly replied and Zabkiel sighed in defeat "You're right." After that, the injured fighters are taken to one of the hospitals.

The Zerket team went into action as soon as they knew about the breakthrough and starts defeating the monsters that infiltrated town. Lunariux did a justice crash defeating an enemy and then casted overwhelm to pull in nearby enemies and damaged them with light energy. He then heard a scream and so he headed to where it was.

Lunariux was in shock as he saw a female in dark purple clothes holding an unconscious Heavenis hostage as she head towards the GTS. Lux acted quickly to save her but suddenly a lot of monsters appeared in front of him as if to stop him from chasing them. Lunariux gritted his teeth and starts to fight them.

The female witch is now infront of the GTS and let out her staff. Dark energy surrounds her and stabbed the ground creating a darkish brown colored beam shooting the sky creating a shield around Saint Haven to strengthen her monsters.

This made everyone inside anxious, afraid and some panicked. The evil witch smirked as she looks at the man who's carrying Heavenis like a sack. The man nodded and starts to tie her hands after putting her down on the ground. He slapped her to wake her up making her eyes open in shock. She looks around in a panic and saw the evil witch towering over her with an evil smile.

"Who are you?!" She blurted out as she quickly stands, thinking of running away as she backs away but another man blocked her way.

"It's not important." The witch replied.

Heavenis scoffed "What do you want from me? Why are you attacking Saint Haven?!" she asked questions earning a slap from the witch.

"Save your breath. I'm just using you as bait, that's all."


Just in cue, someone arrived shouting Heavenis' name. They looked at the new comer and it was no other than Lunariux and Vile.

"Huh... I didn't expect you to defeat my monsters that fast." The witch said and Lunariux just smirked.

"I wouldn't have finished it faster if it weren't for Vile." Lux proudly said and Vile just silently stared at them with a smug look. "Now let her go." Lux demanded to which the witch just laughed.

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