Zabkiel: The ways

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Zabkiel POV

It is now morning and I can't get it off my head about our deal last night. Fake relationship huh? I don't even know how to act as a boyfriend... I never had a girlfriend since birth and this actually makes me pretty nervous. Damn.... What if my friends found out about this?! I wonder what will be their reaction?

I put away those thoughts as I decided to do my morning routines before going to the guild but I suddenly remembered about Namine. Hmm.. Maybe I should fetch her just in case that stupid ex of her is there to piss her off again. So with that thought, I walked my way to her house.

I almost got lost but luckily I was a bit familiar on the place so I'm right infront of her door. I coughed and tried to straighten myself up before knocking. I heard a voice from inside and I was a bit confused until it opened and there revealed a little girl.

I blinked my eyes wondering who this is. "Uhmm... is Namine there?" I asked her thinking it was her sister.

She tilted her head with a clueless face "Namine?"

"Yes... wait uh.. am I in the right house?" I began to mutter until I heard someone's voice calling me which made me turned at the side seeing Namine waving at me.

I blinked my eyes multiple times as I looked back at the little girl who is still giving me a question face then at Namine.

"Baby? We have a visitor?" I then heard another voice from inside the house and it's a woman wearing an apron. "Oh who might you be?"

I suddenly felt embarrassed as I can feel my cheeks burning. I instantly bow down "I am so sorry! I went to the wrong house!" I panicked making the woman laugh softly.

"Oh it's fine! Who are you looking for?" She asked me then that's when Namine went behind me.

"Hi Miss Herly! It seems he got lost!" Namine laughed making me frown at her.

"Morning Namine!" The woman smiled at her.


The little girl ran to her and hugged her. "How come she doesn't know Namine when I asked her?" I suddenly asked making the woman giggle.

"She knows Namine as Nami."

I just nodded my head and watched Namine play with her. Later on, we both said our good bye as we start to walk our way towards the guild.

"I didn't know you'll come by at my house.. though, you went to my neighbour instead!" Namine laughed making me pout at her, feeling embarrassed at my mistake.

"I was a bit lost okay! At least it's your neighbour than going to a wrong address." I argued while she still keeps on laughing.

I then suddenly got the urge to ask her something so I called her name making her hum as a reply.

"Should we really show to everyone that we're in some kind of relationship?"

Namine looked at me before answering "Hmmm.. well, not really? I mean, we could just show it whenever Ron is around."

"But what if Ron is around and we didn't know?"

"We can just... be together everyday like two best friends!"

I was left a bit clueless. Err.. I'm lost. If we're going to act like in some fake relationship then why suddenly act like we're best friends??

If other men are courting her and that she said this to them. HELLO FRIENDZONE!!! No no.. BESTFRIENDZONED!!

"I dont get it."

Namine stopped and glanced at me. "What do you mean you don't get it?"

"You said we'll act as couples but then you say we'll act like we're best friends."

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