Ouriel: The Bracelet

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Ouriel POV

I woke up feeling a bit exhausted still. I sighed as I get up in bed and went to the bathroom to take a bath before cooking breakfast.

Ever have those days where you wake up and still feel tired as heck? Like you wanna stay in bed but you're not even sleepy anymore? Yeah... This is the day.

Oh well, I've been busy yesterday anyway. Had an emergency mission from Prairie Town about some sudden bombardment and a lot of people got injured. They're still investigating whoever did it. Hellios was assigned to find the culprit since he's good at investigating like Nael. Lunariux and the others are in another mission again somewhere at Rose Town.

Speaking of Rose Town, that sure reminded me of Bernael and Misha. I sure miss them a lot... I've never been to that place yet. I'd like to see their house soon. I heard they let a guild member of Vhenas named, Xyreen, take care of the house.

After eating my breakfast, I went back to my bedroom and I noticed it's a bit messy. I guess I've been too busy nowadays to even fully clean my house. I sighed, maybe after I'm done treating the wounded in Prairie Town then I'll be able to do a general cleaning.

With that thought, I fix my things and travel my way to Prairie Town. People are starting to rebuild their houses and helping each other. I went to the prairie hospital to check up the patients.

"How's your feet, kid?" I asked a child patient who broke his leg. His mom greeted me so I nodded my head as a greeting.

"It still hurts a bit but it's getting better! Thank you!" He exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

I smiled back at him "Good to hear that. I will leave a healing relic and some medicines for faster recovery. Be sure to drink this medicine for every after meal in 5 days." I told them before excusing myself to leave.

It was now lunch time so I went to have lunch. Hellios arrived with an exhausted and troubled face.

"Yo Hellios... How was the investigation?" I asked him.

He sat down on a chair, sighed and closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening it again with furrowed brows.

"There was also a crater outside Prairie with the same size as here. If they want to destroy Prairie then they would have put all their explosions inside the town. I don't fully understand it yet. I never smell any gas or anything. So I was thinking maybe the attack was from above and missed its shots." He said while I began to think about it too.

"What kind of an attacker is he when he misses his shots?" I snort but then it was a good thing he missed a lot. It could have been worst.

"Either this attacker lose its control or there was a battle and his attacks landed everywhere. There are a lot of possibilities." Hellios said

"Maybe.. or maybe he's just dumb." I replied. Hellios shrugged "Wait, if ever there is a battle and the attack was from above then either it was a battle between airships or beings that can fly." I thought.

"If it was an airship battle then there would be broken pieces of the ships. So either it can be monsters who have a fight at night or some idiot." Hellios said while holding his chin.

I hummed and looked at the ceiling. "What if it was dragons?" I randomly said making him glance at me with wide eyes and looked away.

"Hmm.. not so sure."

"But then again if it was dragons, Geraint and Argenta could have called for assistance in trusted guilds or the majesty called for a public emergency meeting regarding about dragons." I added.

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