Prince: Plan C

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Prince POV


I mess my hair in frustration as I can't think of a new plan for her to leave me! Why is it she is so damn persistent? Can't she see that I don't want her?!

I growl in anger, dropping the pen in the table and push my chair away. I heave out a defeated sigh before deciding myself to have some nice bath.

Maybe I will have a plan soon. I just need to rest a bit from thinking...

As I make my way to the guild, I look around my surrounding to see if she is around. I was walking my way to the trading house to sell some suit that I never use anymore. After my business in that old man, I continue to head my way towards the guild.

I pushed the double doors of the guild seeing the same usual members scattering around the place and all are busy from talking and getting their missions. I sighed as I step inside but then I heard someone call my name making my hair stand when I knew whose voice it was.

"My Prince!!" I narrowed my eyes at the incoming Ryz with her usual cheerful smile.

"What do you want this time?" I annoyingly asked her but she just continue to show me her sweet smile.

"Wanna go on a date?"

I scoffed at her and walked away saying "No." But she blocked my way again and pouted at me as she continues to ask me for a date. "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to date you, Ryz?" I groaned in irritation.

"Please? Just this once!" She pleaded with puppy eyes. I tut and looked away until an idea hit me! I stared at her for a moment before answering her.

"Fine.. But just this once!" I warned and I can see her eyes twinkle and jumped in joy, squealing at my answer.

"Kyaaaa!! Thank you!" She chirped and suddenly hugged me making me stagger a bit from surprise. My eyes widen and tried to get her off of me.

"Calm down! This doesn't mean anything, okay?!" I hissed. She finally let go of me but the happy smile on her face never left.

"I know! So uhmm.. we'll meet up 7PM at Mi Amor! See you, my Prince!" She exclaimed before going to her friends.

I sighed and cringed at the fact that I will be dating her tonight. Ugh! I can't believe I accepted her dating offer. But because I have a plan in mind so, might as well try!

"WHAT?!" My friends suddenly shouted in surprise when I told them about accepting the date.

"After all the times she keeps on randomly asking for a date, you finally said yes." Hellios stated with his usual bored look but I can see in his eyes that he is amused and entertained.

"Yeah! But sadly, it was because of a plan to get rid of her." Ouriel said shaking his head at me.

"What kind of plan do you have in mind?" Lux asked me while eating a spoon of risotto. I smirked and leaned in my chair comfortably before answering.

"Doing some things I don't usually do." I said and coughed. They all gave me a confused stare until Zabkiel snapped his finger like he finally understood what I meant.

"Are you sure you can do those things though?" Zab asked me with suspicion.

I paused when he asked me that and thought for awhile. Err, well if it's to get rid of her then might as well bare with it?

"I think I can." I hummed after saying that.

"Ha! I can imagine yourself cringing." Vile smirked making me roll my eyes at him. "Please Vile, I can manage!" I proudly said making him lift an eyebrow at me.

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