Riz Time Chapter

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Riz: okay so as you can see here.. this chapter is just a short break and prolly infos bout some stuff idk why I even made this

Bernael: coz we needed a break and just want to chat?

Riz: oh right!!

Prince: Riz just doesn't wanna talk with us anymore TwT

Riz: I didn't said that! You my baby bois!!

Hellios: we aint ur babies..

Vile: and yaint our mum!!

Riz: *raises a brow*

Vile: I..I mean u aint their mum ehe

Ouriel: so uh... How's everyone doing lately? New years resolution?

Bernael: 1280x1024

Ouriel: ~.~

Vile: oh oh! Find more ways to capture Kairi's heart and make her fall for me!!

Lunariux: to earn more gold for my future wife and become stronger to defeat Bella.

*Everyone stares at Lunariux*

Lunariux: what?

Zabkiel: you have a girlfriend already?

Lunariux: what?! No!! I'm just saying that I'll save more money for my future wife.. idk who it'll be yet so I'll keep on saving to give her a better life!

Ouriel: that's so touching..

Zabkiel: to be the best version of myself for Namine and continue to make her happy.

Prince: To make my family and girl be happy. And to give in to her cravings of myself to make her more satisfied..

*Everyone stares at Prince*

Prince: what?! You have to make your girl happy okay! So if she want some **** then you better give her one.. ofc you gotta need some protection or control your damn D*** to ****

Riz: ;O

Bernael: ...

Ouriel: o.O

Zabkiel; O____O

Lunariux: o.e

Vile: *gasped* >;O

Hellios: >_>

Prince: what's with those faces?! Im being real here!

Bernael; Riz what happened to him?

Hellios; probably coz it's his first time getting laid and now he realized that it makes Ryz more happy and satisfied so now he felt like wanting to share it to everyone.

Ouriel: *flicks Prince's forehead*

Prince: ah! What was that for..

Ouriel: normally I'd say that you can only do that after marriage but who am I to say that... *Thinks of his family* anyway.. kids these days in this generation dont think bout that old thing now and just do what they want.. so as long as you know how to control yourselves then that's fine.. just be aware of the consequences once you messed up.

Prince: I got it...

Lunariux: ah yes.. more advices from Ouriel de Guru.

Ouriel: ~.~

Hellios; my new years resolution is to become more stronger to protect the people and my love ones. i still need to have more training to control some of my power's skills.

Ouriel: and mine is to be a better husband and father. To know more cures of different illnesses.

Bernael; Im going to stick with the 1280x1024

Ouriel: *glares at Bernael*

Bernael: *sigh* fine... To continue being the best one and only favorite boy of Riz.

Vile: but you're dead in this series..

Bernael: yet Im still here talking to you so bow before me!!

Riz: alright alright y'all calm down.. mama loves you all~

The boys: *stares at her*

Riz: now as for my new years resolution is the 1280x1024 too.. I mean.. that's all dreams but I just wanna build my own pc one day and uhmm.. hmm.. idk.. i haven't really thought about it..

Lunariux: come on. Think about it..

Riz: i just want a pc and to give my grandma treats whenever I go home and to someday meet with the man I love.. how bow da?

Vile: better..

Riz: anyway as I was finishing up this story.. I just realized I haven't really put much info about their age except for Vile's in Rivals story which was 22.. so I added it up and sht idk if I did it right coz I hate math but I counted and so far the boys are 27 years old now in this series.. and gonna be 28 soon..


Lunariux: we're getting old..

Zabkiel: we'll be out the calendar soon

Prince: and we're not even married yet except Ouriel.

Lunariux; I must find a wife soon

Ouriel; no rush no rush..


Bernael: you're not even lovers!!!

Hellios: I'd probably wait for 1 or 2 years before planning to marry Heavenis.

Bernael: wow...

Zabkiel: same.. me and Namine are doin it slow too..

Riz: *cough* so anyway~ it'll take awhile again for me to get to the next victim coz I'm still thinking about it.. but hope I'll be able to figure it out and continue..

Bernael: hope some of y'all still be reading once she updates again..

Ouriel: either way.. have a good year ahead everyone.

Riz: right.. so I'll end this here for now. We'll see you on the next story chapter! Bye!!

The boys: BYEEE!!

-Riz ended the conversation-

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