Chapter 3

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"Please remember to write at least 5 pages about your chosen subject on time. Remember, it has to be handed over on Friday or it won't count.
That being said, class dismissed."

Jennie could practically hear all the sighs of relief and happiness coming from the other students as they left the room. To say she was tired, was not enough and she still had 1 period left before her brother would be there to pick her up in his Rolls-Royce.

Out of all the cars their parents owned, that one black Rolls-Royce was his absolute favorite vehicle. It was so extreme, he wouldn't even let anyone else drive that car, not even their parents or a chauffeur.

Here's the thing, Jennie and Jungkook had always grown up with a silver spoon in their mouths, no that's not enough, a diamond spoon.
If there was a problem, baam! Nothing money couldn't fix. But there was a massive difference between her and Jungkook.

Jungkook was spoiled, Jennie on the other hand wasn't.
It was hard to imagine a millionaire's daughter who wouldn't be rude and spoiled, but she just wasn't of that type.
Jungkook on the over hand was a completely different story.

He had gotten used to the fact that money could buy anything, as in ANYTHING. Jungkook was the textbook definition of greedy and selfish.
It was impossible for him to see anything important but himself.
All that mattered to him was money, cars and... nope, that's about it.

"His heart is rotten." She'd once overheard a person say but Jennie didn't blame that person at all. She about all disgusting things her brother had done to people but mostly women in particular.

Her brother did in fact have a rotten heart. She believed his whole body was rotten, from the bottom to the top.
She was thinking instensly about how disgusting her brother was, when a curtain voice pushed her out of her trance.

"Jennie bear!" The voice called out as Jennie was walking down the crowded hallway. She turned around to spot owner of the familiar voice. It was Nina waving excitedly with an embarrassed Soyeon right next to her with her face in her hands. "Nina, please just stop yourself." She slapped her forearm.

"Argh, stop hitting me!" Nina whined in an exaggerated manner. Jennie couldn't help but to chuckle at her best friends.
Their squabbling was always funny as hell, they just had that great dynamic.
Nina's energy and Soyeon's rather quiet nature but they still fit perfectly together, all three did.

"Hey Jennie, how are you doing?" Soyeon asked curiously.
"I'm fine, just a little tired. You know, classes." She smiled to her friends.

"Ah, I understand that. Wanna go to the cafeteria and eat?" Nina nudged her shoulder and gave her a comforting smile, that comforting smile was something Jennie had grown particularly fond of over the years.

As they walked into the cafeteria, got their food and sat down before Jennie spoke up. "So my parents are are for 6 days, so you guys want to come over and have a sleepover?" Soyeon nodded as she slurped up her black bean noodles.

Then she looked over to Mina whose eyes had widened and was currently coughing up her food. "Sure, *cough* will he be there?" Jennie already knew who 'he' was, it was Jungkook.
It was obvious that Nina really liked him, you could see it, the way her cheeks blushed when someone said his name.

But it wasn't like Nina was using her to get Jungkook, contrary to many other of her former friends. No, Nina really liked Jennie for who she was, so did Soyeon.
Nina and Soyeon were the only genuine friends she had, Nina just happened to like Jungkook, probably because she didn't know how garbage he was.

A lot people wanted to be with him, not knowing how terrible he truly was, how selfish, conceited and greedy he was.
"An admirer of capitalism." He'd call himself proudly. Disgusting I know.

"I don't think so, he usually isn't." It was true, Jungkook was almost never home, he was almost out partying with his friends. For someone who is 25 years old, he acted like he was still 21.
But when he was in his 'playroom' as he called it, that was in the basement.

No one except for Jungkook had been down there, not even his friends. Jungkook didn't allow anyone in that room, as in anyone. It was his own private place, he'd kill his sister or anyone at that if they sneaked in.

The girls continued to talked about everything between sky and dirt so they were sad when the bell rang, meaning they had to break apart.

"See you after uni." Soyeon hugged her before they parted ways in the hallway.
The three girls had always been extremely close to each other so it still hurt to say goodbye, even for a short while but they eventually parted ways and walked to their classes.


*Ring ring ring ring!*

"Alright class, you're dismissed."
Jennie was ecstatic to finally be free from school. She was quick spt the fanciest car of them all. It was a not too fancy Ferrari, simple really.
She was a little bit happy that her brother was already here so she didn't have to wait, even though she knew he was here early to pick a hot baby to fuck so she definitely wasn't shocked when she knocked and no one responded, meaning he'd already gotten out of the car to find a girl or two.

Ever since she walked in on him getting sucked off by a random woman, she'd always knock on the window before opening. It was to spare herself really, from that traumatic sight again.

When she turned around, she noticed her brother making out intensely with another blonde girl. "Yah! I'm here you pervert!" She yelled, intending to really just embarrass him.

Startled by her actions,  Jungkook turned around very clearly angry. "Get inside the car. Now!" He yelled back.
She gave him her middle finger before she entered the black Ferrari.

A couple minutes later, Jungkook also went inside. "What the fuck was that?! We were clearly making out." He glared his younger sister.
"Oh come on bitch, you'll find a new girl to do." He huffed angrily at her ignorant comment before turning on the car and started to drive.

"You're lucky I'm still driving you or you'd be walking home. That'd be about 1 hour." It was true, their only chauffeur called in sick and now Jungkook drove her around.

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now