Chapter 44

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"But I don't really know if she'll like it and that scares me."

"Why does it scare you so much?" Nina asked as she popped up in between Jennie and Soyeon as we walked down the stairs.
"I don't know," Jennie groaned and shook her head.

"I just really want her to like me."

"Trust me, I think she already does." Soyeon patted her smaller back in reassurance.

She smiled back at her best friend before looking back at me, who was way too caught up in my own thoughts.

"Ay Y/N, you're falling behind." She chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me forward.

"Oh- I- I'm sorry, what'd you say?" I was almost immediately put out of my trance when Jennie spoke to me.

The shorter woman just cackled at my confusion and let go of my hand.
"Jungkook's driving us to the Cafe, don't you remember?"

"Oh, of course." As we were walking down the hallway, I remembered how we had decided to ask Jungkook if he could drive us to a Cafe after university had ended.

That was, of course, if he said yes to it.
Knowing Jungkook, he'd probably say no immediately but it was still worth a try.

The halls were mostly empty by now as we'd spent several minutes talking inside the classroom before we walked out.

Several footsteps could could be heard from behind us but I didn't really pay attention to them.

That was until someone grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back in a rough manner.

Jennie looked back in horror when she noticed who it was.

"Woosung? Let go of her-" But the man didn't budge, he didn't even spare his crush a glance. First now I noticed Woosung's followers standing right behind him.

Without wasting a second, he pulled me away from my friends.

I couldn't make him let go of my hand.
"Let go of m-" I looked back at my friends being held back by his minions.

You can't fight him, you're too weak.

I watched the back of his head in horror as he pulled me into a changing-/bathroom with only me and him in it.

"Please don't hurt me." I could feel the tears dwell up in my eyes, mentally preparing for what Woosung was going to put me through.

He grabbed me by the shoulder before pushing me into the showers.
I harshly landed on my knees, making me groan in pain.

"Please don't do this to me..." I hiccuped as the tears fell down my cheek, making him laugh.

He continued to cackle before landing a punch across my face. He then grabbed a shower head and turned it on.
"You're such a pathetic little bitch, you know that right?" He chuckled half-heartedly as he put the shower head over me.

I could feel the luke warm water down my hair strands and shoulders.

This is so fucking humiliating.

"Do you know why Jennie's your friend? Because she fucking pities your ass. You're ugly, boring, insecure, annoying and do I need to go on or do you get the gist?"

I nodded slowly.

"Huh? I can't fucking hear you. Say it."

"I'm annoying, boring and ugly."


Jennie watched in horror at the sight of her friend being pulled into a bathroom.
She tried her best to go after her friend but was blocked by one of Woosung's minions.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" She hissed out loud at the tall male in front of her.

"I swear to God, if you don't let us into that room I will rain hell fire upon you bitches." Nina said as she and Soyeon stepped up besides Jennie.

"You know what? I'll call my brother and he'll whoop your pathetic ass." Jennie pulled out her phone to call her brother but then another one of Woosung's followers grabbed the device and threw it to the ground before stepping on it.

"You motherfucker." She hissed and attempted to attack him but to no avail as another follower grabbed her.

"Oh shut up, he's doing this for you." He rolled his eyes and shook her slightly.

"Let go of me-"

"Let go of her." Soyeon attempted to push him off Jennie but instead got harshly pushed to the ground.

Jennie watched him let go of her and walked over to Soyeon.

She could feel the courage leave her body-

"Jennie!" As if all hope came back to her, she saw an angry Jungkook walking over to her.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you? I've been searching all the fucking hallways for you-" He stopped in his tracks, noticing something was very wrong.

"Yo, what the fuck are you doing, fuck-face?" Jungkook glared the other man as he walked towards him.

"It's Woosung's followers, they've taken Y/N." Jennie exclaimed.

As if Jungkook knew what was happening, he glared the man before grabbing him by the shoulder and throwing him into the wall.

The other male stared wide-eyed at Jungkook before being grabbed by the throat and thrown into the wall as well.

"Where is she?"

Soyeon just pointed at the door further away, making Jungkook look over at direction as well.

"She's in there?" Soyeon just nodded at his question, before he stormed over and kicking open the door.


"Not so strong anymore, are we?" He laughed at my weakness.
I clenched my fist angrily but couldn't gather the nerves to stand up and punch him in the face.

I wish Jungkook was here, he'd whoop his ass in under a second.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, the door opened, or rather sprung open, revealing a very angry Jungkook.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

His voice roared throughout the room as he stomped towards Woosung.
"And you're the infamous Jungkook. You might've beaten me last time but not today." Dropping the shower head over my body, he smirked and pulled up his sleeves.

"You're sure you want to fight me?" Jungkook didn't respond to his comments, he kept walking towards the shorter male before throwing a hard punch in Woosung's direction but Woosung ultimately dodged.

"You motherfucker, I'm gonna fucking kill you." Jungkook growled at his opponent and elbowed Woosung right between his neck and shoulder.

The shorter male groaned before falling to the ground. Looking at them in shock, I pushed my body further up against the wall.

I watched in horror as Jungkook punched Woosung right in the face, making his nose bleed. He looked over at me before pulling his head up by the hair and delivering yet another hard punch to his already ruined features.

I saw how his face had become bloody and swollen, making sure to leave blue and purple bruises for tomorrow.
Feeling how badly I was shaking, I decided it'd be better to look away from the scene.

Jungkook noticed that, as he finally let go of the other man, carelessly letting him fall to the ground. Right after that, he walked over to my shaken and crying form, and crouched down to me, softly wrapping his arms around my smaller body.

"Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you anymore." He whispered as he caressed my hair softly.

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now