Chapter 20

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Being almost knocked out, the two minions desperately gasped for air.
Jungkook just looked at his 'work' proudly before turning around and leaving.

As I watched him go out of the alleyway and into the parking lot, I quickly got up and followed right after.

"Jungkook, wait up!" I waved my arm as I ran after the tattooed male.
He sighed, stopped walking and turned around, only for him to shoot daggers at me with his eyes.

"What?" He said with a cold attitude when I got to him.
"I wanted to thank you. You saved me from those guys, how can I repay you?"
"By leaving me the fuck alone." He fished out a cigarette from his pocket and turned around again to leave.

"Thank you again!" I yelled to him but he ignored it.


As Jungkook leaned up against the side of the black Porsche, lighting up the small stick, he couldn't help but to frown.

It was clear that Jungkook loathed Y/N, that was no secret, but he sure as hell didn't tolerate violence against people who couldn't fight back.

But he still was the one to fight another man if they roughed his feathers or rubbed him the wrong way.
Jungkook had always been a man short to temper, he was aware of that issue.

But he didn't mind it, he knew he'd win the fight anyway. After all, he was one confident fuckofa man.

The only reason he fought those three guys was because he the girl didn't stand any fucking chance against those guys alone. They took advantage of her weakness and that sat wrongly with him.

As Jungkook was thinking, the door opened revealing a tired Jennie. She didn't say anything, just stared at her phone.

"Nice to see you too." Jungkook rolled his eyes and his sister just gave him the middle finger as he started to drive out of the parking spot.

"You know, that guy Woosung almost attacked your friend Y/N." Jennie's eyes got up from her phone in shock.


"He wanted to burn her with a cigarette buy before he could, I whooped his ass." He smirked proudly.
"Oh my God, is she okay?"
"Don't know, don't care."

"Didn't you even try to check on her?" She scoffed at her sibling's rudeness.
"Nope." He popped.

"I'm going to ask her to come over today." Jennie put her phone up to her ear.

"Hi Y/N, how are you doing?"

"That's great. Listen, would you like to come over to my house and hang out with me and the girls?"

Jungkook sighed and rolled his eyes, not wanting to see that annoying ass girl again. He was practically fed up with her and he didn't even know her.


"That's great. See you in an hour." She smiled and hung up on her friend.
"You're not actually going to invite her over?"

"Of course I am. Is this because she almost walked into your playroom? That was an accident." She scoffed.

"Who told you that?" He turned to her for a second before turning back on the road.
"Tae did, you do realize that he likes her?"

"That girl?" He snorted.

Jennie glared at her brother before going back to her phone.


"So Y/N, I'm curious. What happened between you and Woosung?" Nina stared at me as we layed on the pink king sized bed.

"I honestly don't know, I bumped into him and he dragged me out to an alleyway, threatened me to stay away from you." I looked at Jennie.

"Then he tried to burn me with a cigarette but then Jungkook intervened and... and he saved me." I fiddled with a hair lock.

I don't know why but the thought that Jungkook went out of his way and bothered to save while others didn't even try, made me all warm on the inside.

It's not like I liked him but maybe he did have a softer side to himself. That one thought made me smile.

"What are you smiling for?" Soyeon laughed.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"You're probably thinking about Jungkook. Oooh." I shoved Soyeon lightly, failling to notice the smile fade from Nina's face.


We were down in the kitchen making food and snacks for ourselves when Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin walked in.

"Hey girls." Jimin waved at us.

"Hey Chim, how are you doing?" Nina smiled to her admirer.

"Good actually." He gave her his most sincere and genuine smile and everyone started to engage in the conversation, except for Jungkook.

I should thank him properly, I thought to myself so I went over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"What?" He had failed to see it was me as he was looking at his food.

"Uhm, I just wanted to thank you for today. It really meant a lot to me that you helped or God knows what could've happened to me-" Before I could finish, he rudely interrupted me.

"Oh my God, can't you just shut up?" I was taken back by his words and the others attention went back on us.

"Jungkook-" Jimin looked at his friend but the taller male didn't care.
"No, you're so fucking annoying. I told you to leave me the fuck alone but did you? Are you fucking incompetent or something?" He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook harshly.

"So I'll say it again: leave me fucking alone, you stupid girl." He finally let go and took his food before walking out of the room, leaving me scared and shocked but mostly sad.

I could already the tears dwelling up in my eyes AGAIN. Goddammit, Jungkook.
Why did he always have to make me cry like that?

The embarrassment and humiliation I felt when I looked at the others indescribably horrifying.
"We'll go talk to him. Come on, Chim." Taehyung nudged to his close friend and walked.

"Aww baby, don't cry." Nina went over to me and wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm sorry for not doing anything." She said.
The two women went in for a hug as well and then I fully broke down.

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now