Chapter 2

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"Urgh, my head hurts." She whined to herself, patting her head in attempt to soothe the pain.

Jennie picked up her hairbrush and sat down in front of the white vanity.
As the bamboo brush combed through her hair, she couldn't help but to curse out her only brother.

That disgusting pig was the reason she had been up all night. Thanks to him and his women, she'd only gotten two hours of actual sleep and she could feel in every part of her body and for that, she truly hated him.

Jungkook had always been like that, even since she was little. Well he didn't actually sleep with girls at a young age, but she did recall him to be the first guy in his grade to kiss another girl and get a girlfriend.

In that way, Jungkook had always been one step ahead of the others.
She still remembers the first time he came home in 4th grade with a girl he called his girlfriend, they broke up 4 days later because Jungkook couldn't stay loyal and kissed another girl.

Still not being used to her brother's wild sex life, it took Jennie a while to go downstairs to the kitchen because of the embarrassment of having heard her sibling doing it.


When she came downstairs, relief took over her. Her brother was still sleeping as he wasn't in the kitchen.
Feeling happy, she fished out a bowl from the white cabinet and poured some cereal into it.

As she was eating, the sound of his voice scared her. "Good morning, lil' sis."
"Argh!" She almost fell off the chair.
"You scared me." Jennie clenched her chest, feeling her heartbeat try t o slow down.

He just looked at her as if he was about to say something but dropped it.
"Jesus Christ, can't you wear something more that short ass robe. It's disgusting."

It was a short, black robe with a Chinese red dragon imprinted on it but not so short you could see his business.
"Fucking relax, I'm wearing boxers."
He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, do we have any milk left?"
"Nope, just drank what was left."
Jennie watched her brother mumble something angrily under his breath, before closing the fridge.

"Are mom and dad still on that business trip?"
"Yeah, they're on their trip for another 6 days, why are you ask- Are you planning to throw another house party?" She looked at her brother suspiciously.

"Of course, I fucking am. Why wouldn't I?" He shrugged as he continued to open the cabinets for something to eat.
"Maybe because I am here."
"Mm, don't care." Jungkook responded sassily.

"What am I supposed to do then?"
"I don't care, go hang out with your loser friends." He closed the cabinet and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Wha-wh- you suck!" She said and threw her silver spoon at him.
"Deal with it then." He mocked her and walked out the door as Jennie watched him in absolute shock.


"Alright, we've arrived, now get out."
She rolled her eyes and walked out of the black Rolls-Royce before giving the middle finger to her annoying older brother.

She walked through the big, black, steel gate, entering her university's property.
Jennie turned around to see her brother drive away but wasn't too shocked to see he'd gotten out of the black car to flirt with some girls. He leaned up against the hood, attempting to naturally flex the vehicle.

She wasn't silly, she could already feel how the girls were swooning over her brother's handsome looks and charming personality.
Jennie already knew how Jungkook charmed his 'victims', he'd make them feel special and important, then do them, then as a final, he'd drop them like they were nothing.

Because of him, she had learned all the signs of a fuckboy on the prowl, she was aware of the tricks, the cheesy pick-up lines and their fake compliments.
All because she'd seen her own brother use them on other women.

Huffing in annoyance, Jennie was quick to turn around and enter the old but fancy building.

The corridor were filled with students talking to each other while others were trying to pass through the endless crowd of people.

The whole scene was utter chaos but by now, she'd grown used to it, she'd grown used to the big crowd, the boring professors, the tasteless food and the fake people she'd met here.

But at least, Jennie did have made some close friendships with other people.
There was Nina and Soyeon.

Nina was an outgoing girl, very ambitious and always ready for a challenge. Not to mention, she had a MASSIVE crush on Jungkook.

Soyeon was quite literally the opposite of Nina. She was quite, timid and always delivered her tests on time.
And Jennie would always describe as the  in between of Nina and Soyeon. The glue you could call it.

To be honest, she never understood why Nina liked Jungkook, not because they were siblings, but because he was a big douchebag, cold-hearted, lacked a certain kind of empathy, rude and overall a massive player.
Jennie had tried to talk her friend out of her crush but she didn't budge, or rather refused to.

Believe me, everytime Nina asked for his number, she'd shut her down.
Everytime they hung out at Jennie's, she'd always make sure that Jungkook was in his room. Nina knew that he was a player but Jennie knew it'd kill her to see him with another woman.
Even though she was strong and ambitious, she was sensitive when it came to her crushes.

She came out of her own head when the buzzer went off, it indicated that first class was starting soon.
She was quick to move through the heavy crowd, to her first class.

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now