Chapter 12

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I was looking up at the white ceiling that was now a dark blue color because of the night. The incident still lingering fresh on my mind.

I felt like crying, the secondhand embarrassment was too much for me to handle. I kept tossing and turning, not being able to sleep.

The image was still so clear, having burnt itself into my mind.
I turned to the other side and huffed,
'Damm you, Jeon Jungkook.' I thought to myself as I clenched my fist angrily.
What kind of moron has an open door while getting a blowjob from a complete stranger?

Well apparently Jennie's older brother.

So I came to the conclusion that Jennie's trash talking was right, Jeon Jungkook is a loser.


*Ring ring ring ring.*

I groaned annoyingly before leaning my upwards and stretched my back.
It had been very hard to fall asleep, knowing there was a chance of bumping into her older brother again.

What would I even do or say to him?
Hey Jungkook, I'm sorry I walked in on you getting sucked off and ruining the moment, hope you understand and I at least hoped you enjoyed it. Urgh.

I sighed and fell back onto the mattress, rubbing my face with my hands.
This was going to be extremely hard.

"Good morning, girls." Nina said, putting her hands in the air. "Good morning." I responded back.

Jennie and Soyeon started to stur in their sleep, beginning to wake up.
"5 more minutes." Jennie whined but after a while, she got up and put on proper clothing.

Some time had gone by and we were walking down to the massive kitchen, when my heart dropped to my butt.
It was Jungkook standing there in a black robe with a red dragon imprinted on it.

With his black-dark brown hair slicked to the side, piercings and tattoos decorating his clear skin, Jeon Jungkook looked truly stunning but I was too embarrassed to see that beauty, at least not right now.

I looked down at the ground and walked behind Nina whose face was all pink and red, and also was looking at the ground.

He was quick to recognize me and with widened eyes, he froze on the spot.
It made me realize he wasn't as shameless as I originally thought, he did in fact have a sense of shame.

Jungkook quickly grabbed his food and walked out, geez what way to get to know someone...
Jennie who hadn't noticed the tension spoke up.

"So what do you girls want to do? We can hold a picnic in the garden." She smiled and I nodded yes to the idea.
A picnic sounded like what I needed

So that's what we did, we made all kinds of snacks, sandwiches and drinks to take outside. I could already feel that it was going to be amazing and extremely cozy.
We walked out to the backyard and settled down.

We basically talked for hours about everything and got to know everything about each other as people.
Turns out Nina was unsurprisingly the outgoing type of girl with a distinct personality, while Soyeon was quite the contrary, with a shy and soft personality.

And if I were to guess, Jennie was the middle ground, the ambivert you'd call it. I could reflect of myself onto Jennie, as someone who also a fellow ambivert.
It felt nice having people to lean on and relate to.

It hadn't always been easy for me to get new friends, especially since now I was in a new country. I had always been on the shyer side of the spectrum.
Not having a lot of friends meant I was often alone but that didn't mean anything, I didn't mind, not that I preferred to be alone, I had just got used to being alone.

That was at least how it was until I met my ex. They took me in- No Y/N, don't go there now.
I could already feel my mood darken just at the thought of my former partner.

"I um, I need to use the bathroom." I quickly got up from my seat ad walked inside. I went inside and went towards the hallway as I only knew of the bathroom there.

Looking around, I realized that I didn't know where the bathroom was. I kept opening the doors to find it but I just couldn't, then I found myself in the basement.

Everything was beautifully decorated with vases, sculptures, paintings and flowers. The walls were an eggshell kind of white with a marble floor. It truly did look stunning.

Busy admiring the view, I opened a random door, well I attempted to, a voice caught me off guard.
"HEY! What the hell are you doing?!" He hissed as he walked toward me.
I almost immediately knew that I had screwed up.

He stood strongly in front of me and grabbed my wrist. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I didn't respond, I just kept looking down at the ground. I could already feel the tears build up in my eyes. I wasn't used to have people yell at me, 'sensitive' my classmates would call me.

I had always been a crybaby whenever someone yelled at me. "Oi, are you stupid? Respond."
"I'm sorry..." I kept looking down, not being able to understand why he was so angry. What was his deal?

"Listen, this is my fucking playroom, if I ever catch you trying to enter it again, I swear to God I'll break you." He hissed.
By now, I could feel the tears falling down. I had never been threatened like that before and it was one of the worst feelings in the world.

Realizing I was crying, his gaze only hardened. He let go of my hand and pushed me lightly back before opening the door with a key and going inside, of course not without slamming the door shut.

(Yall I'm sorry for not updating lately, I was having a psychotic episode and decided it'd best not to update for the sake of my mental health, hope you understand😊)

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now