Chapter 59

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"It's really nice spending time with you, I really like your company."

"Yeah, I feel the same say."


"Y-yeah, what?" His head practically shot up from his lap as he looked over at me.
I pondered for a few seconds, not quite knowing what to say.

'Fuck, what do I even say?'

"Uhm... is everything alright with you?" I gave the softest voice I could, fearing how poorly this conversation could go.

"Baby- what do you mean?" The brown-haired male said as he scratched his throat yet again. He'd been doing that several times now, so much that a light red yet small patch had formed from the irritation.

"It just feels like you're on edge, you keep looking around the park like someone's after you. Is everything okay?" I edged closer to him on the park bench, I had no clue on how to manage this conversation but it was out now and I just had to stand by it.

"I'm not paranoid, I'm just- I'm- shit, I'm just tired today. That's all, I swear." A frown had slowly started forming on my face without me noticing as I looked at him.


"Hey, you said wanted to go to the zoo for our date. Should we go now?" Jungkook stood up and reached out for my hand with a soft smile.

'It's no use having this conversation when he clearly doesn't want to. Just let it go.' I couldn't shake the thought, it wasn't fair to keep pushing on when he didn't want to.

"Yeah." I held his hand back as we walked out of the park to his car.

"And don't worry, baby, I'll buy you all the panda plushies you want at the gift shop." He joked as he put his arm on my shoulder, gently squeezing it.


"Thanks a lot for today, Kookie, it was nice going on a date again."

"Yeah, me too." Yet again, his eyes landed on something else behind me, not able to focus on me anymore.

"You seem distracted, are you sure everything's okay?" I slowly turned around to see what Jungkook was staring at. It was hard to make something out of the shadows in the night but after a while, it hit me that there was nothing, he was staring intensely at nothing.

"I'm fine, really." He looked back at me as he scoffed, his composure had slipped up and the irritation had begun showing. I had especially noticed during our time in the zoo that he was getting more and more agitated and short-fused.

"Please, nothing's wrong with me, there's no need to look so pitifully at me, I'm not insane."

I had noticed how he'd been looking around a lot more lately. He had been scratching his skin so much he had gotten many red patches on his arms and torso. Not to mention his constant jumpiness when I said something when he wasn't expecting it.

He seemed paranoid and agitated...
but why?

While he had been able to maintain it most of the time, it now felt like he was starting fully crack now.

'This isn't the Jungkook I know'

"Are you sure?" I asked, the concern was clear in my tone.

"Oh my fucking God, why do you keep on asking that? I'm fine, what else do you need to hear?" He stopped walking as he looked at me with an annoyed expression.

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now