Chapter 10

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"Byee." Jennie said and hung up the phone and went back to eating her cereal when her brother entered the kitchen. She wanted to smack him across the head for being obnoxiously loud with some random woman last night, but she couldn't.

Ever since she walked in on him taking drugs, it had put a massive strain on their already dysfunctional relationship.
It quite literally wrecked the relationship they had left.
Jennie didn't want it to be like this, she wanted to help, but Jungkook was the one who had pulled away as usual.

But she was still desperately clinging on to what they once had as young children, in the past. That was now gone for good and probably forever. It was something Jennie hated herself for,      for taking her brother's happiness for granted.

"Good morning, how did you sleep last night?" She said, wanting to make up casual conversation like normal siblings did, but they weren't normal, far from it actually...

"Stop trying to force fucking awkward ass conversations between us, it won't work." She scoffed at her sibling's rudeness. He was rude often but it still managed to shock her at times.

"Okay then, you just don't need to be rude about it."
"I'm not rude, I'm just blunt. Anyway, I'm gonna go to my playroom."
"When are you going to get an actual job?" She mumbled to herself.

He rolled his eyes and leaned over the marble island. "Ever since mom and dad wanted to take away my dream job away from me, never. And with all this fucking money, I will never need one anyway." He smirked, almost looking cynical.

No matter how much she wanted to wipe that smug look off his pretentious face, she resisted the urge to punch her own biological brother right across the face, she'd wanted to do that for a while.

As he walked away, Jennie couldn't contain her own anger. "You're a menace to mom and dad, do you know that?" As a response, all he did was laugh and give her the middle finger.
"Don't fucking care!"


"Thank you driving me, mom. Love you." I said and walked out of the car.
I waved goodbye as she drove away to her desk job.

Walking inside the massive building, my wandered after a someone, after I failed to see Jennie, I just wanted to go to class instead but I bumped into someone.

"Oh my God, I didn't see you there, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." I waved my hands, looking at the man who I had bumped into.

He was a medium height, short messy hair, tan skin and an okay face. He was pretty in his own way.
"Yah, look where you're going, you pig!"
Truly shocked by his words, I looked down at the grey tiles.

"I'm sorry..." I was very clearly not used to being yelled at as I felt tears build up in my eyes.
"No, you aren't, you're just fucking stupi-"
"Yah! What the hell is your problem?"
I looked behind him and spotted Jennie pointing at him angrily.

She walked over to him and gave her scariest glare she could possibly muster.
"Oh my beautiful swan, what are you doing defending this embarrassing girl?" He smirked.

"Don't you dare call me that, you moron." She hissed at him.
"Wow relax, princess." He put his hands in the air.

"Fuck off, Woosung." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the scene.

"That was crazy, than-" I said before she cut me off.
"Do everything you possibly can to stay away from that man." She looked me dead in my eye. "What do you mean? who is he?" I asked my friend.

I could feel she was about to respond but the bell interrupted her. "I'll tell you after school." And with that, she walked away, I watched her frame grow smaller and smaller before leaving myself.

As I was walking to class, I couldn't contain my shock. Me and Jennie hadn't known each other for long but her 'anger' shocked me, not to mention, it scared me a little bit.
I had never really seen her serious but I didn't even know her all that well.

I ultimately decided to shake off the restless feeling, I comforted myself thinking she probably didn't intend to get serious with me. I just Jennie and that guy named Woosung had some kind of history together, after all they had been here longer than me.

I was pushed out of my trance when I stood in front of the door. I walked into the mildly chaotic scene. Practically everyone was in a group or at least sitting with some kind of friends.
As long as I could remember, I had trouble making friends and still did.


After a several hours of school, I currently standing at the backdoor alone, waiting for Jennie to come so we could take the bus home to her and have a sleepover with her best friends but right now, she was nowhere to be seen.

I had been waiting for a while and was about to give up, call my mom and go home when I heard her voice calling my name.

"Y/N!" She waved, running closer to me.
When she stopped, she bend down.
"I'm so sorry for earlier. It was rude of me." She bowed.
"No, no, no. It wasn't your fault." I waved my hands. She looked up at me and smiled before grabbing my hand.

"Let's go, the bus will there soon." She walked towards the bus stop that was close by. As if luck was on our side, I noticed the bus coming closer.
We paid for our tickets, well Jennie did, and walked to the empty back before sitting down.

"One question, why did we take the bus in the first place?" I asked her curiously.
"Well my chauffeur is sick so my older brother drives me around and no offense, but I don't want him to meet you. Not anything about you, he's just a perv."

"Oh yeah, I remember him, I think I saw him yesterday standing up against a black car in all black. He looked super pretentious." She laughed at my comment.

"He is, he's like a super pretentious douchebag." We both laughed.
"Anyway, I hate to ruin the mood but who was that Woosung guy?"

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now