Chapter 26

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"So I was thinking about asking Joy our again since we hit it off so well at the bowling place. She really seemed to like me and enjoyed my company, so that's something good- Y/N, are you listening to me?" She waved her hands in front of me, but was still not getting an answer.

She sighed, very clearly annoyed at her best friend but an idea popped up in her head. "Y/N... I'm not in love with Joy, I'm in love with you. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you." She looked into the my distracted eyes before sighing again.

The medium height woman tapped her pen against the edge of the oak table when the teacher finally entered the room but I was still caught up in my own thoughts.

As you maybe can guess, I was busy thinking about Jungkook. The plan was me and Jennie would hang out after uni and a part of me was super excited to see Jungkook again but another part of me was also scared of him hurting me again. I knew the chances were slim of him saying something rude since he had apologized and was trying to be nicer for a change but still.

I had realized the fact that I liked Jungkook more than I had expected.
He made my knees weak, my face warm, my insides all fuzzy, but most importantly he made me really happy.
Like I actually mattered to someone, like I was someone important.

To be quite frank, I loved the way Jungkook made me feel, all warm and tingly. You're so smitten, Y/N.
And to think that he barely knew the fact I existed, it was actually kind of sad but I didn't care, even though we would probably never end up together, I still liked being able to dream.

Dream of a perfect Jungkook. No constant one night stands, no swearing, no rudeness, no bad habits, no bad nothing. Just a sweet and kind man, who will treat me like a queen and I will treat him like a king.

"Uuuh, somebody's smitten." Jennie laughed at me, bringing me out of my head. "I am not." I whined.
"But you are. You're so smitten, it's so insane."  She laughed at how gone I was.

"I don't like him, he's just attractive."
"Good, I'd appreciate it if you don't fuck him though." Her laughter turned into a more serious tone but I shook it off.
Like I said before, Jungkook barely even knew that I existed, which was kind of sad. It was kind of scary how much I liked her older brother, it wasn't love, just a strong connection and affection.

I couldn't help but to smile when he popped up in my mind yet again.
I wonder what he was going to be wearing? Definitely an all black outfit like he almost always had on.
Sometimes there was a pop of color in his outfits, the clothes he was wearing at the bowling alley was a rare occasion.

I know it sounds creepy but I haven't felt  like this in really long, long, long time, and the last time I felt like this, and last time I did? I got my heart ripped out of my chest and it got stomped on like it meant nothing to them.

Which was why I was so hesitant to ask him out. I liked it better to imagine what we could be instead of experiencing the trauma that walked hand in hand with relationships.

In short, I was playing it safe, not wanting to hurt again by a loved one.
I had been hurt before and I could safely say that I never wanted to go through that again.

Being too caught up in my head, I failed to notice that the teacher dismissed the class. "Y/N. Y/N. Y/N!" Jennie suddenly yelled at me, sending me out of my trance.

"You're lucky I'm still with you. Class is over." She said dead serious.
I laughed awkwardly as a response before grabbing my stuff and walking out.

"You're so fucking in love." She chuckled.
"Shut up." I slapped her lightly on the shoulder.


"So how should I ask her out? I want it to seem chill but also a little bit fancy to show her I actually care." I watched Jennie stir her smoothie with her metal straw.

"That honestly sounds like a good idea."
"It does but what should I do?"
"I think taking Joy to a restaurant would be nice or you could just hang out."
"I'd like that." She says softly, looking me deeply in the eyes.

I smile, immediately looking away from her gaze. One thing she had in common with her own brother was their intimidating eyes that could probably kill somebody.

Suddenly Jennie stood up and put the smoothie glasses into the sink.
"We'll get a maid to clean it up."
She smiles.

I was caught off guard when suddenly Jungkook enters the kitchen, looking handsome and dangerous as ever in a graphic tee and some tight-fitting, blue jeans.

God, why is he so handsome?

"Hey girls."

Jennie just rolls her eyes.

"Hi." I smile sheepishly.

"Come on, don't ignore me, Jen-Jen."

"Shut up."


"Let's go, Y/N." Just like that, she walks out the door.
Not wanting to get on her bad side, I decided it would be better to follow after my best friend but before I could, someone, most definitely Jungkook, grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"Meet me at my room at 2am."


"Don't fucking play innocent, you know why."

With that, he walks out of the room, leaving me too stunned to speak or think.

I started walking towards Jennie's pink room but with Jungkook stuck on my mind.

What the hell was it he wanted to do with me?

Then it hit me. Sex...

He probably wanted to have sex with me...

And suddenly I knew what to do so I ran up to her room.

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now