Chapter 53

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"Could I interest you ladies with some champagne?" A waiter walked up to us holding a tray with champagne glasses, dressed like a waiter straight out of a movie.

We took a glass, thanked him and continued our smalltalk.
"But seriously, you all look so beautiful."
Jennie smiled, admiring Nina's dusty pink dress, Soyeon's pastel yellow dress, and of course, my baby blue one.

While we weren't in those designer dresses, we still fit in with the others, which was relieving.

As Jennie was about speak up again, someone tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around.

"Jimin and Tae! Thank you for coming."
She gave them both a small hug.
"Always. Have you seen your brother around here?" Jimin asked, his eyes quickly wandered longingly over to Nina. Both of them looked really good in their suits.

"Last I saw of him, he was over at the buffet but he is here."

"Great, then we'll go find him." The taller male spoke, giving her a smile before leaving to find their best friend.


The tall man was standing by a different column with a glass of wine in his hand when the two came over.

"What're you doing here?" He asked, suprised to see the two men here as well.

"We're here everytime your mom hosts an event like this. Have you seriously forgotten?" Tae looked amused at his friend and chuckled.

"Whatever..." He scoffed.

"You look handsome today, Jeon." The other man smiled, wrapping his arm around Jungkook's shoulder.

"Thanks, girl." He rolled his eyes, not wanting to show his gratefulness for his friends showing up.

He looked down at the suit, feeling handsome in it, not that he'd ever accept their compliments.

Jimin and Taehyung couldn't control their cackling but in all honesty, Jungkook did actually his friends' back amd forth with each other.

Right as Jungkook was about to comment on them being annoying, clapping started sounding throughout the room.

'They're here.'

Even if they were his parents, Jungkook never stopped nervous around them.
He attempted to swallow the lump in his throat when Jimin said what he really wasn't looking forward to.

"Don't you have to be by your parents side when your they arrive and during the speech?"

"Yeah.... I know..." It wasn't hard to find the disdain in his voice, especially when his friends knew how Jungkook and his parents felt about each other.

The tallest of the three downed the rest of his wine before navigating through crowd.


A short while later, we were interrupted by clapping echoing through the space.
"They're here now," She gave the three of us a small group hug.
"I have to be by their side at the start and when my mom's holding her speech but it won't take too long. I'll be back soon." She smiled and walked into crowd.

"Let's get a bit closer." Soyeon exclaimed. But it wasn't easy with so many people.
We weren't at the front of the crowd but I could still see the pair shaking hands with everyone close to them. Jungkook and Jennie were standing besides them.

Wow... they really are Jennie and Jungkook's parents.

Of course, I had seen them of TV but never like this.

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now