Chapter 36

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"Can I kiss you?" He asked in his raspy voice.

That made my heart stop beating.

He was acting so strange but he still so hot. Goddammit, I shouldn't be this intrigued by this side of him.

He was so...... attractive.

I couldn't resist it, I was far too intrigued by him to pull out now.

I looked into his deep eyes, deeply afraid of doing the wrong move and getting him angry.

I had to be careful to not fuck it up.

My body was in a strange battle with itself. One part of me wanted to leave, not to provoke him and not to break the bond I had so carefully build with Jennie, and Nina at that. That would also mean I'd probably lose Soyeon too.

'No, don't do it. You're going to destroy your only friendships for what?
One pathetic kiss? Don't do it, it's not worth it.'

'You're going to kindly decline the offer, walk out the door and never talk about to anyone, please.'

The other part of me wanted to say yes, to lean in and forget all my problems for a moment of pure bliss.

'I promise you, it'll be worth it and besides, no one besides you and Jungkook has to know about it.
Look at the options, this could be your only chance to start something with him.
Don't miss out on it because you're scared.'

"Then kiss me." I closed my eyes and whispered softly into his ear.

He smirked before leaning his larger body into mine. He looked at my face, admiring my soft features when a sudden urge took a hold of him.

That urge made him crash his lips onto mine. My eyes opened up at the aggression, shocked at his behavior.
It was already incredibly dark, which made the kiss feel twice as intense than it already was.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, deepening the kiss even further.
That small action made me feel all hot and bothered, making me kiss him back.
Fuck, why was he this hot?
I wrapped my hands around his neck, wanting to feel him better even though I couldn't see him properly.

The tall male took that as sign to push his tongue into my mouth.
"Want to make out on the bed?" He pulled away from me.

I was far too caught up in the kiss to stop now. I couldn't stop now, not that I wanted to.

He was quick to grab my wrist and push me onto the bed, before getting on top of me and slithering his tongue into my mouth yet again.
Fuck, this was so hot.
A part of me was still in shock, still not believing that I was really making out with the Jeon Jungkook.
Another part of me hated me for giving in, for letting him kiss, knowing a small part of me was going to regret it the very next day.

A part of me knew I wouldn't be able to even face Jennie and even, no, especially Nina.

I hated to say it but at that moment, I forgot about my friends.

"You're so hot."

"I know, sweetheart. I know." He smirked, leaning in to kiss me on the lips yet again.

I carefully wrapped my arms around his fit torso and leaned into his embrace.

Pure shock took over my own body when Jungkook suddenly grabbed my right breast, making me freeze completely.

"What is it? You don't like it?" He pulled out of the kiss, grabbing my chin and looking into my eyes with a confused look on his face.

"N-no-o, it's not that. I like it, it just caught me off guard. Don't stop now please." I closed my eyes again and let the warm feeling course right through me.

So he leaned in to kiss me again.
"Wait... It's probably better if you go back to Jennie now. We don't want Jennie to get suspicious of us, it's probably better if you go up and back to sleep." He smirked.

Was he... was he teasing me?

He carefully pushed himself off me and pulled me upwards.

"Go on..." His eyes lingered on me for a while before walking over to the door and opening it up.


"Well we don't want Jennie to find out, do we?"

He was right, Jennie would be so pissed.

"Right... I'll just go now." I slowly got up but was immediately pushed down again, only for him to kiss me again yet again.

"Fuck..." He pulled away after a while.

"I'll just go now." I awkwardly cleared my throat and got up to leave but he grabbed me by the wrist.

"Don't worry, next time I'm going to fuck your brains out of your pretty, little skull." He smirked cockily, making me warm and wobbly.

"Bye then." I looked down at the ground and walked out the door.

When I was already halfways through the stairs, I stopped.
I really couldn't stop thinking about him and his super soft lips on mine.

I didn't want the moment to stop. I wanted to kiss and hold him forever.
I could still vividly remember his embrace, as if he was protecting me from this cruel world or himself.

At this moment, I was way too deep into him to see how he could potentially hurt me if he didn't like me back. All it took was one pathetic snap with his fingers and he would break my heart into a million tiny pieces and he wouldn't even have to try nor be affected by it.

I really just wished he knew the pure effect he had on me. How happy and tingly he made me feel everytime he looked into my eyes with his deep obsidian eyes.

How warm he made me feel everytime he laughed or smiled.

He meant the world to me but what did I mean to him?

Probably nothing.

'You're so in love with him and he doesn't even realize it, he probably never will.'

The voice was right.

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now