Chapter 57

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"Damm this house is ridiculously big..." I mumbled under my breath as I wandered around the Jeon's mansion.
No matter how many times I had roamed it many times before it never failed to impress me. The fact it was completely dark, the clock having turned 3 am, hadn't made it easier with seeing and I cursed myself for turning on the light in the dark hallway as I walked to the kitchen for some water.

It had been some days since incident with Jungkook and Jennie's mom, Eunju, at that party, although their parents left rather quickly for another business trip right after the event, which was unfortunate for the sibling pair as they barely saw their parents in the first place but at least I didn't have to worry about meeting the older woman again.

"Can't sleep or are you just playing on stabbing somebody?" I rapidly looked up  and saw the playful smile on his face as I realized I had entered the kitchen.

"Dang, I got exposed even before I did the murder," I sighed dramatically as I played along with his joke.

"But I'm just here to get some water."

"At 3 am?"

"Hey I could ask you the same, you know." Jungkook shrugged over my words.

"I just prefer doing shit at night over day, guess I'm just more productive at night."

"Productive?" I pondered.

"Oh. It's nothing, I just like to draw at night. I get the most inspiration at night." He admitted, his hand scratching his neck in embarrassment.

"That's honestly really cool, I never knew you liked to draw." I smiled reassuringly to him.

"Yeah... it's nothing I talk much about, I guess..."

"If it's alright with you, I'd love to see one of drawings one day. I'm sure you're good at it." The tall male looked away with a flustered smile.

"I could show you one right now if you wanna..." Feeling surprised over his words, I didn't think he'd actually wanna show me his drawings but I eagerly nodded 'yes', which made Jungkook smile back.

"C'mon then."

He grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen as I followed behind him.
Then it hit me that we were wandering into the basement.
He wasn't going to show me that room he didn't let anyone else enter, was he...?

"You're not going to show me your playroom, are you?" I blurted out, feeling confused over what his intentions were.

"Actually yeah," He let go of me as he used his key to unlock the door in front of him.

"I promised myself I wouldn't show anybody else this room but I'm okay with showing it to you. I know you wouldn't tell someone else about it, I trust you." The door opened as he walked in and I followed suit.

So this was his playroom...

It was quite spacious with grey walls and a big Smart TV mounted on the wall with a cozy black couch in front of it. Many video games layed on the coffee table along with a Xbox controller.

I noticed a high-tech computer setup at the back of the room and a pool game backed up against the corner. A couple plastic plants were placed around the room but it was the pictures on the walls that caught my attention.

Some of them were of Jungkook with Taehyung and Jimin but one was a selfie of Jungkook and Jennie as they smiled together.

"I changed a lot about this room a few weeks ago, there used to be a lot of posters of video games and Playboy models before but it didn't really fit me anymore so I took them down and replaced them with pictures that actually mattered to me." He pointed out when he noticed my gaze on his pictures.

"There's another pic on the coffee table, that one is one my favorite photos I've ever taken." He smiled while he leaned up against the wall as I walked closer to the table, picking up the only Polaroid on it.

I felt the smile on my face return when I realized it was a photo of him and I smiling with his arm wrapped around my shoulder, one we took at that festival.

"I can't believe you kept this." I marveled.

"I would never throw it out, it means too much to me." He walked closer before putting his head on my shoulder from behind as I continued to adore the picture.

"Jungkook, n-not right now, I still have to see your art." I flinched as I felt his lips lightly touching my neck.

"Can't it wait for a few minutes?" He mumbled, his lips trailing up my neck before reaching my lips.

His hand grabbed my jaw, turned my body around to face him as the kiss got more heated.


After the few minutes had turned into 10 minutes, I slowly pulled my face away from his as a beam crept onto my flustered face.

When the tall male noticed it too, he leaned into the couch with a small smile.

"You're beautiful, Y/N..."

I looked down at the pattern on my pajamas pants in embarrassment.


She really was beautiful... one of the most beautiful people I'd ever known.

"Come closer." I grinned and she hesitantly neared me before I let her lay on my torso just as I had my arms wrapped around her body.

Neither of us had let out a sound as we held onto each other.

This felt good, like I was actually content... that wasn't a common feeling for me anymore

I looked discreetly down at Y/N on my chest. A lot of positive change had happened all because of her.

That feeling of joy in my chest finally felt organic, not caused by a small pill but a real person. Was this the actual happiness I had been missing and craving for? It sure felt like that.

It was first new I saw how Y/N had fallen asleep. She looked so peaceful.

That was when it had hit me, it felt like my desire for doping my body had been replaced...

'I have Y/N now... why would I need anymore pills when I have her?' I thought to myself.

'She'd be happy if she found out I got clean, really fucking happy... I could surprise her by getting clean and then I could tell her after some months. She'd love that and be so proud of me, along with Taehyung, Jimin and Jennie, of course.' I smiled at the thought of Y/N's  happy face.

"I love you, Y/N..." I had whispered so quietly I barely heard it myself.

'That would be my goal, to get clean and sober, and then surprise everyone. They'd know that I could do it on my own, that I was strong enough that way.

Then my parents would be proven wrong and I could stick it to them that it wasn't too late to fix my life. That would really show them.' I smiled at the thoughts.'

'That's what I'll do... besides, getting clean can't be that hard... I'm not even that dependent on them.'

And it's never that hard to let go of an addiction, right...?

(Author note: as you probably can tell, stuff will start to really boil up now, which will be very exciting.
I also apologize if this chapter feels more awkward. I found it hard to write Jungkook's inner dialogue but I hope it won't be too off-putting.

Also so it doesn't confuse anyone regarding Jungkook thinking about proving his parents wrong by getting clean.
They still don't know he's still doing drugs but they still believe he's good for nothing and will always be a deadbeat son. Which is why Jungkook wants to disprove them, he wants to straighten up his life and prove he's more than a failure. Hope that makes sense:)

Thanks for reading!♡♡

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