Chapter 5

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TW: This chapter will contain graphic usage of drugs that is NOT meant to romanticize nor glorify drug addiction.
You have been warned ⚠️

"Oh my God, did you hear the news?"
"What news?" Jennie asked.
"A new girl is joining your class. I can't quite recall her name but she's from the states, I believe. From what I've gathered, she's extremely pretty." Soyeon responded.

"Really, that sounds exciting. Maybe she'll fit right in with our little group."
"Yeah, that sounds amazing. I'd love an extra member in our clique." Nina added, before taking another sip of her beer.

The three girls had been together for two whole hours and was currently drinking beer in Jennie's room as dawn was setting. It felt good for Jennie to be close to her friends like this.
Right now, there was no annoying older brother, no overly strict parents, no homework and assignments, no nothing,
Just pure love and real friendship.

But of course it had to be broken by an obnoxiously loud laughter, coming from downstairs. It sounded like a male, more specifically like Taehyung.

"Is that...? Is that Taehyung?" Jennie's head jerked up in the air.
"I think it is," Nina responded, "Does that mean Jungkook's here?" She looked over at Jennie.

Goddammit. She had been trying to hide Jungkook from all day but had now been caught red-handed.
Nina took her silence as a yes before running out the door, out to the staircase that was close to the main door but Jennie was quick to run after her friend.
A confused Soyeon followed after the two girls.

Jennie spotted Nina's upper body leaning over the railing, looking down at Taehyung and his buddies.
It was Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin looking handsome and fly as hell.
"Hey Jungkook." She said shyly.

Instead of responding, he looked at her, rolled his eyes and walked into the hallway to see assumed his bedroom and the boys followed suit.
Nina felt a slight sting in her chest but ignored it. "Goodbye, Jungkook." She waved but Jennie could already see the sadness in her eyes.

That certain longing and desperation for him to like her back. Jennie could already tell how much Nina just wanted for him to say high back. So naturally, she couldn't help but to feel sad for her best friend, she just wanted to exchange greetings so Jennie went over to Nina and patted her shoulder.

"You're too good for that moron anyway. He doesn't see how amazing and beautiful you are."
"You don't mean that." She looked down at the ground.
"But I do mean it." She snaked her hands around her torso and kissed her red cheeks.


Nina's sadness went away after a while so now they were sitting on Jennie's bed drinking and talking again.
"Wait I'm confused, what is Jungkook's playroom." Soyeon slurred with eyes barely open.

"Uuuh, his playroom." Jennie smirked in a creepy way.
"It's basically his own private room where no one's allowed in, not even hisfriendsnor our parents has been inside it. He'd murder a person if they entered it. Personally, I don't get the big deal though." She added on before drinking the rest of her beer.

"I don't know, he creeps me out. Gives me the skeevies." Soyeon shook.
"I know! He's so fucking weird, I don't care if he's my brother, he's weird. I mean, who has a playroom?"
"Your weird ass brother apparently." Soyeon responded.

"Yah! Stop badmouthing him." Nina pinched her forearm.
"Yah! Stop pinching me!" Soyeon half drunkenly whined.
"You guys are weird but it's okay because I love you guys." Jennie smiled and put her arms around her close friends.

The music and noise from downstairs had gotten significantly louder compared to a few hours ago.
Since then, a lot of strange people had arrived. It was pretty obvious that Jungkook was throwing a house-party with at least a 100 people. Yes, Jungkook was wildly popular and many friends but there's no way in hell he knew this many people, most of tgen had to be strangers or at least a friend of another friend.

Jennie ended up having to lock the door in fear that strangers would come in and right now Jennie had to pee really bad but Soyeon was already in the bathroom connected to her bed room and had been for a while now.
"Nina... I'm going out there." She said in an exaggerated tone. Nina gasped hard.
"You wouldn't dare." She said.
"I will..." She opened the door, immediately putting her fingers in her ear, trying to blend out the heavy club music.

She squeezed herself through the thick crowd out to the bathroom down in the basement, it was rather hidden away so she doubted anyone would be using it.
There was way less people in the basement than in the living room.

The silence was almost eerie now but Jennie was quickly distracted by some muffled voices coming from the end of the dark hallway. They were coming from inside the 'hidden' bathroom.
Jennie didn't think it someone having sex, no, it was something else.

She noticed the door was slightly open, only a little bit so when she opened the door fully, the most horrifying sight greeted her.

It was Jungkook sitting on the ground, injecting some kind of clear liquid into his forearm with a syringe while being surrounded by strangers.
"Jennie! Shit, you weren't supposed to see that." Jungkook eyes widened when he spotted his sister.

She was quick to run away as Jungkook followed her. She ran outside to the backyard, all the way to the very end of the big garden. She surrounded herself with the big trees before she turned to Jungkook as tears streamed down her face.

"You said you quit doing drugs. You had for over a year and you even went to fucking rehab, what happened?" She yelled at her brother who was looked down at the ground shamefully.
"For fucks sake, you promised me, mom, dad, your friends, everyone!"

"What happened, Jungkook!?"
He was silent, if she thought the silence in basement was bad, this was a hundred times worse.


"I don't fucking know! I was sober for a couple of months but no one believed in me. No one fucking helped me when I needed them." He finally yelled back.

Jungkook wasn't crying but he was very clearly hurt. He got down on his knees and ran his fingers through his long, black hair. "I'm sorry... please don't tell mom and dad..."

Jennie immediately quieted down, walked towards her brother and hugged him. "Don't worry, I won't, just please try to stop."

Jungkook looked up at his sister and smiled, "I'll try. I just need the right motivation."

Little did he know, he was about his right motivation... but that would be a while...

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now