Changes and Firsts {Part II}

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A/N: Kendall in picture.

"So you nervous?" Kay smirks, sectioning a piece of Aria's hair, before passing the flat iron through it.

"A little," Arianna bites her lip.

"More like a lot," Maya murmurs, applying primer to her best friends face. "You do realize that's actually going to make it hurt more, right?"

"Arianna's face grows pale, "It will?"

Yup," Kay pops the 'p'.

"How?" Arianna all but whines.

"When you stress like you are right now, you tend to tense up....everywhere," Maya darts her eyes toward Arianna's crotch. "The vaginal muscles clench up and that will make it harder for him to get it in."

Kay nods in agreement, "Plus, being nervous will make it more difficult for you to enjoy the foreplay, make sure to get plenty of that, and get wet. Virgin friendly translation? Them panties should be soaked before he try to insert anything other than a finger."

Arianna blushes profusely, "This shit sounds so complex."

"It really isn't," Maya sighs gently. "You're just stressing yourself to the point where you're making it complex." She notices her words seem to only exacerbate Arianna's nerves. Sighing, she puts down the eye-shadow brush and leans her weight on the vanity. "Look Arianna.....Kendall loves him some you and I know you love him. He's waited for you all this time and you've held your virginity for the right one. The one you love. Kendall is the right one. And because he loves you, I'm more than sure he'll be hella gentle and take his time with you."

"Exactly," Kay decides to add on. "I mean, I know he usually tends to be rough and shit-" At this moment, Kay realizes she's said too much, which is confirmed by Maya flashing her a wide eyed 'wtf are you doing look?'.

"How...." Arianna trails off, confusion written all over her face. "How do you know he's 'rough'?"

Thankfully, Kay has almost mastered pulling off her poker faces. "Girl," she laughs and rolls her eyes, putting her hand on her, now, poked out hip. "I'm a cheerleader now, remember? Kendall wasn't always prince charming ya know? He done fucked almost the whole damn squad. Them bitches talk."

"Oh," Arianna frowns, not because she doesn't believe her best friend. No, she frowns because she had almost entirely forgotten about Kendall's infamous playboy past. She had truly tamed the beast. Well, at least the promiscuous side of the beast....

"Okay," Maya breaks Arianna out of her thoughts. "Why don't you go put your clothes on before I finish your makeup. I don't want anything ruining my masterpiece."

Aria laughs, "Okay, miss thang."

Both girls wait until the other girl leaves the room before conversing.

"Have you lost your damn mind?!" Maya whispers harshly. "Are you trying to get your ass kicked?"

Kay rolls her eyes, "Would you chill the fuck out? It slipped okay? It's not like I wanted to tell her."

"But you almost did!" Maya throws her hands up. "That shit would have been so bad," She shakes her head. "I still say you should have just told her when it happened."

"Have you lost your damn mind?!" Kay shoots back. "There's no way in hell I was going to, nor will I ever tell her I fucked Kendall."

The fact that she had slept with her best friends boyfriend wasn't something Kay liked thinking about, let alone talking about. She was drunk out of her mind one night, and so was he. They were both wasted at a party. Still, that was no excuse. The following morning, they both felt beyond awful. He was damn near in tears, and physically on his knees as he pleaded with Kay not to tell Aria. After much debate and not wanting to lose her best friend and especially hurt her, Kay agreed to keep that night to herself. The following few weeks after that, Kay and Kendall avoided each other like the plague. However, the few times they were in the same area, Maya picked up on the awkwardness. Kay confessed and Maya, although reluctant, agreed to keep the secret.

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