Car Rides and Motivations

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I'm late.

No, scratch that. We're late-miserably and utterly late.

"This is fucking ridiculous," Maya grunts out through clenched teeth. "I always knew that this would happen. Goddamn old ass water heater."

"Just shut up Maya," Kay mutters, rubbing either arm applying excessive pressure. "I swear you are the most pessimistic person I've ever met."

"Both of you are getting on my last goddamn nerves," I hiss under my breath, shutting off the flat iron. "Maintenance said they can't get out here until 1:30." In case it's not obvious, we have no hot water whatsoever. The damn water heater has been threatening to go out on us for some time now. However, we weren't expecting it to happen so sudden.

"Shit," Kay cusses, applying her make-up. "That's the soonest?"

Nodding solemnly, I start applying my make-up. "So that leaves us with a dilemma. Someone has to be in here with maintenance while here."

"I'll do it," Kay offers, quickly throwing on her clothes. "But then that leaves you two without transportation-"

"And without a way to get to work," Maya finishes.

"We could take a cab, but that would be crazy expensive, especially with how bad traffic is around that time," Maya groans.

"We could just ride with you-"

"And be late for work?" Kay cuts me off, "No, it's bad enough I'm going to be late, but you two can't be late as well."

"Great, so not only are we going to miss our first class, but we're all going to be late for work," Maya smiles sarcastically. "Can this day get any worse?"

"Maybe we could ask someone to give us a ride?" I offer, pulling my hair into a high ponytail.

Maya rolls her eyes, "Everyone we know that has a car and wouldn't mind helping us is usually getting off their lunch break at that time, Aria."

A beat.

"Not everyone," Kay pipes up, a huge smile creeping up on her face.

Maya flashes her a questionable glance, "Who else....." She trails off, and a knowing smirk forms.

Darting my eyes back and forth between the two, I finally catch on to what they're thinking about. "No!"

"Why not Aria?" Kay whines, moving to stand closer to me. "He's your freaking husband for Christ sake."

"I don't know him well enough to ask for something like this," I offer lamely, regretting my sad excuse as soon as it leaves my mouth.

"Oh, but you knew him well enough to marry him?" Maya retorts, rolling her eyes. "Look Aria, it's just a ride. It's not like we're asking him for money or anything like that. We don't have much of an option right now and we're running on borrowed time right now. So," she stops and grabs my phone out of my purse and reaches it to me. "Either you call him or I will."


I snatch the phone from her, glancing at the time (7:25), I think of another excuse.

"He's probably still sleeping-"

"He's a professional athlete Aria," Kay interjects. "Nine times out of ten, he's getting ready to go, currently at, or finishing up at the gym." A beat. "Call him now."

I really hate these two sometimes.

"Fine," I hiss, opening up my contacts. Scrolling through the letters, I frown when I don't see his name by the C's. Maybe he put it under his last name? I continue to search, but stop when I spot a name I don't recognize.

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