Blame It

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Pounding. Endless pounding. God. I've never had this bad a headache before in my life. Hell, this is beyond a headache. It's a freaking migraine. Why do I have a migraine anyway? And where the hell am I? Come on eyes, open up dammit! I'm finally able to will my eyes to open and when I do, I feel as if I'm starring right at the sun. Whimpering, I quickly bury my face into my....pillow? Apparently, I'm in a bed. My bed obviously. Who else's bed would I be in?

The hairs on my body stand when I feel movement coming from the other side. There's someone in bed with me. Oh Good Lord, this isn't good. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Clenching my eyes shut, I lift my head from the pillow and gradually open them. I'm met with a headboard. I don't have a headboard on my bed. Meaning, this isn't my bed. Rolling over on my back, I realize something. These sheets, although extremely comfortable, feel as if they're the only My eyes widen and I send out a silent prayer before slowly pulling up the sheets to peak my naked body.

"Oh my gosh," I whisper sharply, covering my mouth. So not only do I have no idea where I am, with a migraine, insane sensitivity to light, naked in some strange bed, but I'm in bed with someone! A part of me wants to not even see who this stranger is, but an even bigger part knows that I should.

Heaven help me.

Taking a deep breath, I gradually turn my head to the side. Whoever this guy is, he's freaking huge. Half of his legs must be dangling off the bed. He's lying on his stomach, face turned away from me, with his arms-wait-those arms. Why do they look so damn familiar?


Am I being punk'd? God, what have I done? First things first, I've gotta get the hell away from guy with the weirdly familiar arms. Wincing at the pounding, I manage to sit myself up and glance around the room.

Holy shit.

This has to be the most luxurious, bedroom, no, hotel room, I've ever seen before in my life. It's like the Presidential Suite at the Four Seasons. Ugh! Stay focused Arianna!

I notice our clothes are scattered around the room and, unfortunately for me, my bra and panties are a good distance away. Crap. Biting my lip, I realize that even if I wanted to just wrap the sheet around my body as a means of shielding, I can't because the movement will probably wake up the freaking giant next to me. I'm going to have to just go naked.


Peeling off the sheets, I carefully inch myself off the bed and tip toe my way into the bathroom. I gently close the door, before marveling at the spacious room.

"This jank is bigger than my freaking bedroom," I murmur, looking in the linen closet to pull out towels. I stop mid movement when a shiny object catches my eye. "What the f-" Eyes wide, mouth ajar, I gasp as I realize what it is. A wedding ring. A wedding freaking ring. I'm....married? No, this has to be a mistake. I can't be married! I'm not even seeing anyone!

With shaky hands, I pull the ring off. Totally off topic, but it really is a gorgeous and expensive looking ring. It's definitively something I would pick out. This is just too much. I reach to turn on the shower, allowing the water to reach just the right temperature. Grabbing the bar soap, shampoo, and wash towel, I hop in.

I let the hot water run down my surprisingly relaxed muscles. I feel no pain or discomfort....down there so....we didn't have sex. I let out a sigh of relief. Clearly, we aimed to, but must've passed out before we actually could. Thank God. It's bad enough my ass has apparently up and married a complete stranger, but to sleep with said stranger would make me no better than your common hoe.

I shampoo and wash my hair, before cleansing my body a good five times. Even though the "marriage" hasn't been consummated, I still feel dirty. The water feels so good and, oddly enough, is helping with my migraine. Still, I don't feel like looking like a prune. I, reluctantly, get out.

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